Wednesday, 15 July 2015

The church is not ENTIRELY responsible

The church is like a school,I believe.It has been placed by God to draw perishing souls to him.It is there to teach and to exemplify the ways of the Lord.But like  a school,as much as the teachers are responsible to impart education to the students,the student must study for himself to succeed and the student has a responsibility to dig deep into the course of his study.

I've always blamed the church for not having known a certain biblical concept and as much as those who are in leadership are commanded to feed and take care of the church,they are not entirely responsible.When we accept Jesus as our personal Saviour,we make it an individual and personal responsibility to search God's word for ourselves and to hear God speak to us individually and to take directions directly from Him rather than those He has placed to serve.

In fact,our salvation,to a great extent depends on studying the Word of God so that we can know what is His will for us!When we are baptised,we vow that we believe in the testimonies and the Bible.Now,if we sincerely believe in God's Word and the testimonies,we will NOT wait upon church leaders to conduct studies nor will we point fingers at the church.

After all,the church is composed of people-who are at different levels spiritually.So,we are accountable and we have a great responsibility of finding out and studying God's Word for ourselves.God has not placed the knowledge of His will on pastors,elders or leaders.He has made it available in His Word and in the testimonies.

We cannot hold the church and its leaders responsible for our ignorance on certain doctrines.Instead,we only have ourselves to blame.If we earnestly seek to know God's will,we will search for ourselves and God,who has promised to be there when we seek Him,will reveal His will to us,even if it means we are the first ones to come to light.

We will not be saved because the church taught it;but we will be saved by searching the Scriptures for ourselves and adhering to God's revealed will.In heaven,we can never answer,"the pastor did not preach it".God works in mysterious ways to lead us to the truth and we have a responsibility to work with him.It is time for each one of us to actually work for our own salvation and to not depend on any men,except the man,Jesus Christ and His revealed will,through the Bible and the testimonies.

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