Wednesday, 19 February 2014


So, I have been posting a lot of updates today. I’m making use of the time I have, as soon I'll be busy :-)!

Since the end of last year I've been learning all these beautiful life lessons and I’m trying to put them in practice.
I’m now more aware of the fact that my time belongs to God and he has to take first priority. I now realize that I was born to BE a blessing and not self-centered.
As many of you remember I wrote an update about domestic training, and good news are, slowly but surely it’s coming. BUT I’ve also learnt a beautiful lesson that even the domestic work we do, we're accountable for it to God. Often, as Christian, we have a tendency ( oh no, I instead of we)-I’ve realized that earlier in my Christian walk I had things I termed “unchristian” even though they were moral duties. I never knew that how I wash the dishes is crucial and God is even concerned even with the smallest things.

Here’s proof:

"All the work we do that is necessary to be done, be it washing dishes, setting tables, waiting upon the sick, cooking, or washing, is of moral importance.... The humble tasks before us are to be taken up by someone; and those who do them should feel that they are doing a necessary and honorable work, and that in their mission, humble though it may be, they are doing the work of God just as surely as was Gabriel when sent to the prophets."~Adventist Home,page 24.

SIDE-NOTE: I highly recommend this book to all those who wish to be a blessing in their families and want to live in families governed by godly principles: Adventist Home, by Ellen White
So, whether it is dishes, ironing, do it faithfully for God. And put God in every aspect of your life and you’ll be a happy individual.
“Home duties should be performed with the consciousness that if they are done in the right spirit, they give an experience that will enable us to work for Christ in the most permanent and thorough manner.” ~ Adventist Homepage 35.

And also as I grow, my resolutions have changed. Yes, I still want to get a degree, learn how to drive, travel etc; but these are not first-place. All I want to do now: Know God better, please him. I’d like to evangelize more, distribute literature and dvds that contain more knowledge about God, visit the sick, prisoners, JUST TO BE A BLESSING!
The more I read the Bible and Spirit Of Prophecy, the more I hunger for truth. So, by the end of this year, I’d like to have finished at least 10 books and of course put everything into practise.I’d also like to start writing my first book (I and friend are working on it).Also improve my time-management skills and learn to be better in everything I do.

Courtesy of: Hem of his garment ministries blog.

I also feel as if I don’t prayer enough, so I’d like to increase my praying interval. I also have found out that now that I’m home, I get tempted to watch TV, so I plan on keeping busy so that I don’t give the devil the venue to play with my brain. Is TV wrong? Well, here’s my view on it: The more you see it, the more you get used to it, the more you get used to it, the more you get desensitised,the more you get desensitised,then you won't see that it is wrong. The television is constantly bombarding viewers with: homosexuality, sex before marriage, alcohol (most ADs), lust, and youngsters in relationships, immodestly dressed females and more. And if you happen to be constantly viewing these, you’ll start impersonating them. Many forget that Garbage in equals to Garbage out. What you listen to, watch, read plays a big role in your life whether you like it or not. By beholding you become changed. ADVICE: If you want to be like Jesus, spend much time reading His Word, and then apply it.

I’m also learning about the family. Here’s why:

“The highest duty that devolves upon youth is in their own homes, blessing father and mother, brothers and sisters, by affection and true interest. Here they can show self-denial and self-forgetfulness in caring and doing for others.... What an influence a sister may have over brothers! If she is right, she may determine the character of her brothers. Her prayers, her gentleness, and her affection may do much in a household.” ~Adventist Homepage 35.

So each member of the family is responsible for each other’s happiness. I now realize I have a responsibility on making sure that the house chores are done. Now, imagine if every member of the family is led by God, each one humbling himself to the other, doing what s/he can to help. It’s possible to have a home like our parent’s (Eden).Shouting, swearing, gossiping isn’t / shouldn’t be part of a Christian family. I myself am being molded in this part. There are instances I find myself impatient, lazy, bored; but still God is able to help us.

“Men and women can reach God’s ideal for them if they take Christ as their helper. What human wisdom cannot do, His grace will accomplish for those who give themselves to Him in loving trust. His providence can unite hearts in bonds that are of heavenly origin. Love will not be a mere exchange of soft flattering words. The loom of heaven weaves with warp and woof finer, yet more firm than can be woven by looms of earth. The result is not a tissue fabric, but a texture that will bear test and trial. Heart will be bound to heart in golden bonds of a love that is enduring.~ ”The faith I live by, page 235.

I’ve also become so conscious of my health. Well, there’s nothing I'm scared of as being sick, and so I realize I have to play my part, by keeping healthy. And the more I study on, I realize food has a huge impact on our bodies, minds and our spiritual life .Recently, I came across some youngster’s testimonies on the book titled: A Call to Stand Apart. One said ever since she’s become healthy she’s more energetic, her memory has improved and now her discernment is great.
Yes, when we are healthier we can discern God’s word and so I hope this year I’ll become a vegan and I’ll take care of my body, temple.

"Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. They impart strength, a power of endurance, and vigor of intellect, that is not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet."-The Story of Redemption, page 1445


Back in full swing!God is good and he has kept me thus far.

I hope you guys are well as well :),and are growing closer to God.

In Matthew 19:16-22 there is a dialogue between the rich young man and Jesus. This young man asks Jesus how he can obtain eternal life, and Jesus gives a direct answer, “keep the commandments” .And this man goes on to ask “which?”(And personally I believe by which he actually meant the ceremonial/moral law) And as Jesus mentions these commandments you realize that they are identical to those found in Exodus 20:3-17.Now, tell me, do you think Jesus is so “messed up” that He’ll say this and then inspire Paul, to write that, this SAME LAW, has been nailed to the cross? Do you really think that Jesus who loves you so much and died so that you could have eternal life will expect the young man to keep ALL THE 10 C0MMANDMENTS to obtain eternal life, BUT NOT YOU? Do you really think Jesus, who loves you, would fool you into keeping nine commandments out of 10 and then go back and say :Keeping 9 commandments out of 10 avails to NOTHING ( James 2:10-11)?Clearly, the Sabbath does matter, as the other nine commandments. Let’s be honest for once, why would the seventh day Sabbath that was instituted before sin (Genesis 2:1-3), be nailed to the cross or be transferred to the first day of the week when it has such significance? God’s Law is not directly proportional to circumstances. It stays the same, and so does God (Malachi 3:6).Sin did not change God’s LAW. God’s law still remains the same. That’s why Jesus died, because God’s law cannot be changed.


Soon,I hope to add why the Seventh Day Sabbath is crucial :)!


The past few months haven't been easy for me.I've been facing a lot of doubtful moments;but through it all,I was comforted by the Holy Spirit through God's Word .

He reminded me:
Dissappointments,heartache,failure,tears,weariness,sickness,doubt,spiritual drought will come,BUT these are not reasons to give up .He went on to remind me how God led the Israelites as a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud during the day,providing manna from Heaven.He reminded me how God opened the red sea for them and kept their clothes over a period of 40 years.

I was reminded of how God led Abraham,provided for Joseph and Daniel in foreign Lands, kept Jonah inside the Belly of a fish,how he kept Noah in the ark and how he saved Lot during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

He went on to remind me how Jesus fed multitudes with 2 loaves and 5 fish,how Jesus restored sight to the blind,health to the sick,sound to the def .How Jesus turned ordinary water into unfermented wine.How he restored the life of the alduterous woman in John 8:1-11 ,and quenched the thirst of the Samaritan woman(John 4:5-32)

And He quoted Jesus' words “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) and my peace was restored .
He went an extra mile of reminding me "what is impossible with man,is possible with GOD"~Luke 18:27.In fact,He reminded me of a conversation that took place between Jeremiah and God,where God asked,"Is there anything too hard for me?"~Jeremiah 32:27 and an answer came forth " Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.~Jeremiah 32:17

And lastly,those who trust in the Lord cannot be moved~PSALM 125:1 !
Yes,trials will come.You might be going through one now:but Jesus said: "I will never leave you nor forsake you."..Remember,dear friend,''With Jesus in the vessels,you can smile at the storm"
What's even more comforting,Jesus went through every trial and even more,so he knows how we feel.In fact,He's the ONLY One who really know and can relate to everything we go through "16 For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants. 17 For this reason he had to be made like them,[a] fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. 18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."~Hebrews 2:16-18.
And Isaiah 53 even paints the picture clear !

Be blessed and spend much time in prayer and study of God's Word for this is where strength comes from :).

Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...