Sunday, 22 November 2015

Getting to know God

Some time last week,while waiting for a train,I came across a lady I had seen before.So,after greeting her I initiated a conversation.I also noted that she's a Christian because she had a zcc badge on.
She then opened up to me and told me about what she was going through.My heart was heavy,but I tried counselling her.All I could was promise to keep her in my prayers.And what breaks my heart is,there are many other women facing the same challenge as her.And this has made me realize there is a lot of work that must be done in spreading the gospel.

I learnt the following lessons from my interaction with her:
-Bible study is crucial.God allows us to come across certain individuals so that we may counsel or encourage  them according to His Word.
-Many Christians do not have a knowledge of God and His will.Many are just churchgoers but they are sadly deceived into thinking they are Christians.I know this too well.Being born in an Adventist family made me see no need to make a personal decision to follow God.I thought keeping the Sabbath (which I have come to learn that I was breaking) made me a Christian and sadly this is a lie the devil feeds to many.
-The most suffering in this world is due to not adhering to God's Word.The reason the lady I was talking to is in so much pain is because she is doing something against God's Word.I don't judge her but I had to tell her.Looking at the history of the Israelites,they prospered and they were safe when they hearkened and did God's commandments.But the minute they turned away,they would either be killed or held captive.Bondage is the end of disobedience.
-It is the devil's  plan to hinder people from having a personal relationship with God.He is willing to bring whatever in your way to distract you.It could be a particular job,friendship,entertainment etc.Why?Because he knows if you don't  have a personal relationship with God,you will not know  God's will and you will not even accept Him as your Lord and Saviour,which is a prerequisite for salvation.His end goal is to make sure you don't  enjoy the benefits of having a relationship with God here on earth and living with Him eternally
-Whatever is from God will not lead you contrary from His will

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Chivalry is NOT dead

Today,let me celebrate those brothers who relate to us as sisters with purity.

i celebrate those brothers who treat us as their biological sisters:who go out of their way to make sure that we are safe and we reach home safely

I celebrate those brothers who will carry your heavy bag just to make sure you are okay

I celebrate those brothers who are more concerned with your well-being than theirs

I celebrate those brothers who sacrifice their chair so that you can sit down

I celebrate those brothers who do not tolerate any form of abuse towards ladies

There are still good men out there.Men who not ONLY treat their own wives or girlfriends or fiances as royalty,but who treat every other sister with respect and dignity.

My heart always skips with joy at the realisation that there are good Christ-centered men;who care more about your salvation.

Not every guy out there looks at women as objects.My brothers look at women as their sisters deserving of their utmost respect.

I look up to these brothers.There has been many.Many who encourage you to pursue God.There has been two particular brothers from Angola who are Christ-like and whenever I think of them I'm encouraged to take my cross and follow Jesus,because they are good representatives of Christ

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Brethren's keeper:Love not just in words ALONE BUT IN ACTIONS

" Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."-Philippians 2:4

" Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."-Galations 6:2

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith"-Galations 6:10

As life goes on,many of our my brothers an sisters are becoming weary.The devil doesn't stop to attack.Everywhere I turn,there's a disheartened soul,who finds itslf going back to sin.EverywhereI turn,many are losing heart and many are overwhelmed.And I find myselfwondering:where have I been?Why was I not there to detect the fall in its early stages?Why did I get so absorbed in my small troubles?And it dawned on me:I still lack love.Love that serves and is ever readyto lift the soul in prayer.

And I realise,we needeach other in this road.Many are becoming weary and they need a wordsaid in season.Many need to be reminded of God's promises.Many need to be called and reminded,someone cares and morover,God cares much.I'm learningthat we really need to dig deep and found out how people are.I'm sad that,I had thought to fulfill this duty but have failed.But a I start this new ay,I am grateful forthe opportunity to take my cross and do all that God requires,including taking care of my brethren-more especially my sisters.

"Selfishness and
cold formality have well-nigh extinguished the fire of love, and dispelled the graces that should make
fragrant the character. Many who profess His name have lost sight of the fact that Christians are to
represent Christ. Unless there is practical self-sacrifice for the good of others, in the family circle, in
the neighborhood, in the church, and wherever we may be, then whatever our profession, we are not

"Sin is the greatest of
all evils, and it is ours to pity and help the sinner. There are many who err, and who feel their shame
and their folly. They are hungry for words of encouragement. They look upon their mistakes and errors,
until they are driven almost to desperation. These souls we are not to neglect. If we are Christians, we
shall not pass by on the other side, keeping as far as possible from the very ones who most need our
help. When we see human beings in distress, whether through affliction or through sin, we shall never
say, This does not concern me."-DA,p504

Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...