Wednesday 11 November 2015

Chivalry is NOT dead

Today,let me celebrate those brothers who relate to us as sisters with purity.

i celebrate those brothers who treat us as their biological sisters:who go out of their way to make sure that we are safe and we reach home safely

I celebrate those brothers who will carry your heavy bag just to make sure you are okay

I celebrate those brothers who are more concerned with your well-being than theirs

I celebrate those brothers who sacrifice their chair so that you can sit down

I celebrate those brothers who do not tolerate any form of abuse towards ladies

There are still good men out there.Men who not ONLY treat their own wives or girlfriends or fiances as royalty,but who treat every other sister with respect and dignity.

My heart always skips with joy at the realisation that there are good Christ-centered men;who care more about your salvation.

Not every guy out there looks at women as objects.My brothers look at women as their sisters deserving of their utmost respect.

I look up to these brothers.There has been many.Many who encourage you to pursue God.There has been two particular brothers from Angola who are Christ-like and whenever I think of them I'm encouraged to take my cross and follow Jesus,because they are good representatives of Christ

1 comment:

  1. Indeed such brothers are still there and I pray to be one of those brothers.


Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

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