Thursday, 3 November 2016

Three Year Anniversary

Today marks three years of the existence of this blog.When I started, the vision was about sharing my Christian journey and life experiences.But I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you,dear reader.So,I thank you for taking the time to read.It's encouraging.Thankful for other bloggers who inspire me on this journey,sis' Thandi your words have been a healing balm,have revived and informed,thank you.And to many I keep coming across.

Blogging has it's challenges.I think for me I always fear writing about something that doesn't mean much to me. So I try to never write for the sake of writing. My biggest worry has been meeting people who read my blog.I fear that they may not find a reflection of my blog in person.Lol,I had a hard time with a certain sweet soul who had read my blog and I felt vulnerabe.But with age I have learnt that authenticity is important.

My vision for my blog has grown too.I have had opportunities to share but I prefer small engagements, where we as sisters are able to sit and exchange ideas,having the word as our standard.My blog is not really exclusive.Initially,it was for everyone and it still is.But my heart is more concerned with ladies. My desire is that each lady may fully understand her worth in Christ,understand her calling and know truth that will lead her to salvation.So,most times I have shared on that.

But as I have continued to walk with Christ I have realized there is a truth for this time,that everyone on earth must know to prepare to meet God and the crisis that is soon to come. There is a standard set by God,that we all must meet.So, i have a duty to warn the world.So,my blog will be more on that in the next year,God willing.

My desire for each one of you is to know God truly and prepare to meet Him.It's my wish that as Christians we'll create an environment whether it is safe for people to come as they are,and to behold Christ together and be changed to His image. I really look forward to the day it wouldn't be a shame to talk and pray for each other's struggles and I  think that's why I'm open to share my struggles now and again.

I might move this blog to WordPress because I love its look and I have another blog.So,I'm thinking of combining it.Until then,may you be encouraged by this thought:

"Satan assailed Christ with his fiercest and most subtle temptations,but he was repulsed in every conflict.Those battles were fought in our behalf;those victories make it possible for us  to conquer. Christ will give strength to all who seek it.No man without his own consent can be overcome by Satan.The tempter has no power to control the will or force the soul to sin.He may distress,but he cannot contaminate.He can cause agony,but not defilement. The fact that Christ has conquered should inspire His followers with courage to fight manfully the battle against sin and Satan."-The Great Controversy, Chapter 30,p.510.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Thankful Wednesday:A God who cares about our spiritual life

"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:I will guide thee with mine eye."-Psalm 32:8

I can testify of the fulfilment of this promise that God has given in the above text.You know God really loves us and He cares about our desires,even the ones we do not express in the form of a prayer.He cares about our physical needs,and about our spiritual needs.

Do you find yourself struggling to understand a certain doctrine or passage in His Word?Tell Him and ask Him  sincerely to teach you and He will do just that.I have seen Him do so in my
Iife.There has been moments I thought to myself perhaps only certain people were favored to understand.But I have realized that we sometimes give up too easy on our quest for truth and we do not allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.The Holy Spirit has been given to us to reveal the truth which is line with the Word of God.He never reveals anything contrary to God's Word because He is infallible since He is part of the Godhead and is the Spirit of truth (John 14:17).We should always ask for His presence when we are going to study God's Word (even in our secular studies).

So,there's a lovely girl I am teaching Biblical doctrines.I decided to share with her what Christ is currently doing in Heaven.I then asked if she knew what happened in 1844,which marked the time Christ started His work as our High Priest.Check the book of Hebrews for references but I pray that in the near future I will share here too.

Anyway it dawned that I could not really explain the 2300 days (Daniel 8:14);even though I know when they start and end. So, I wondered where I could get resources as I wanted to share thorough information, even though our study takes a form of an engagement.

Today,prompted by the Holy Spirit, I decided to sort out my mother's books neatly.And while sorting them,I came across a Sabbath school lesson from 2006,titled:The Gospel,1844,and Judgement.I got excited and paged through it and guess what? It thoroughly explains how to calculate the 2300 days.I really thank God for answering an uttered prayer :).

So,my plea is,trust God with your spiritual life because He desires that you be "saved,and come unto the knowledge of truth."1 Timothy 2:5.Of course it's not wrong to ask others who are more knowledgeable to assist,but we should never depend on them entirely. 

Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...