Friday, 30 January 2015


"You must know where you come from in order for you to know where you are going".I fully concur.

I was created by God-I was not spoken into existence nor did I evolve from an animal to become human (Genesis 1:26-27).

I was made in God's image (Genesis 1:27).

I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)-when I think of the fact that I have 11 systems that work in congruence in my body,I realize that God put some thought in creating me.

I can not be bought,I do not have a price tag-gold and silver do not even amount to my worth.I was bought by the blood of Jesus (1 Peter 1:18,19).

I am NOT a mistake,I am NOT an accident-before my mom met my father,God knew I was going to exist.I was planned beforehand (Jeremiah 1:5).

It is not by chance that I am black,Xhosa-speaking,a twin-God preplanned everything.He planned my date of birth,where I'd stay and everything about me (Acts 17:26).

I am the apple of God's eye and my name is written on His palms (Isaiah 49:16).

God knows everything about me-even the number of my hairs (Luke 12:7).

My worth is NOT defined by: possessions,physical attributes,intelligence,height,mass,smile,length of my hair or anything else.

My worth is not defined by my qualifications or my relationship status.

Instead,I find my worth in God and in no-one else. God loves me and He would have sent Jesus even if I was the only sinner on earth.

Christ died for me (John 3:16) and He wants to spend eternity with me!

Psalm 8:4-5King James Version (KJV)

"4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour."


What I've learnt is:you can never preach what you don't practise.If you preach it,you'll feel guilty for not putting it into practise.If you don't live according to the light you have received,you are bound to justify yourself or come with excuses.So it is with doing a particular sin(which you know God detests) and continuing doing it-it makes you detest the messenger.

I remember when I was still fond of high heels and the preacher mentioned how immodest high heels are(they change they way a woman walks,making her 'sexually appealing' and are not healthy because they make walking uncomfortable and they affect your bones).I was livid.But through the Holy Spirit and studying I accepted the message.

Until you live according to the light you have received,you are bound to come up with ideas such as,"being judged".Then,you go the extra mile of accusing the messenger for being hateful.

I just pray that I may have a receptive heart because the Christian journey is progressive.You don't reach a point where you know everything.You keep learning new doctrines of what God's will is.So,it is better to ask for clearance and to study the matter in depth before accusing people of being judgemental.

I've also learnt that the more you delay to live according to the new light you've received,especially when you have the means,you are bound to be on the opposing team.

 “The righteousness which Christ taught is conformity of heart and life to the revealed will of God. — Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 310


"The Lord detests lying lips,
    but he delights in people who are trustworthy."~Proverbs 12 : 22

"Lying lips are an abomination to Him. He declares that into the holy city “there shall in no wise enter ... any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie.” Let truth telling be held with no loose hand or uncertain grasp. Let it become a part of the life. Playing fast and loose with truth, and dissembling to suit one’s own selfish plans, means shipwreck of faith.... He who utters untruths sells his soul in a cheap market. His falsehoods may seem to serve in emergencies; he may thus seem to make business advancement that he could not gain by fair dealing; but he finally reaches the place where he can trust no one. Himself a falsifier, he has no confidence in the word of others."~My life today,p.331.

Even if it's seems small or it's for a good cause,God disapproves of lying!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015


I personally hate being a burden to the extent that I find it hard to ask or to receive help. But last week’s experience has taught me that in life we need each other and you won’t always be the one that offers help.

I was staying with a friend’s family until I could move out. Initially, it was hard because I had never stayed with strangers and depend on them for food and shelter. But as I look back, I agree that:” one cannot give unless they have received.” I now know what it’s like to be on the receiving end and I have the intense desire to help where I can.

It is my earnest prayer that, if Jesus delays, my home will be home not only to family but to those that need help.

This experience has also taught me how to live with others. You can imagine someone who’s used of living with one sibling. But all in all, I enjoyed my stay and I learnt how to share. This experience has also taught me that God allows us to meet certain individuals so that we can be strengthened in our Christian journey. The family I stayed with had an hour long study and for the first time in my life I really looked forward to the evening devotion.

I can proudly say that I've gained a family in Cape Town :).And it is my prayer that God revives a spirit of humility, kindness, love and more amongst us Christians because by so doing others will be drawn to Christ.




I live in a society where homosexuality is a norm-it’s no longer frowned upon .One thing I’ve observed is how homosexuals aren’t shy about themselves.And I find myself wondering,if those who are committing sin aren’t shy,why should I be shy for standing for God?

The world is filled with sin such that it’s hard to find individuals who hate sin,yet God is still calling upon such.God views those who’ve accepted him as a “chosen generation,royal priesthood,a holy nation”.Just like God wanted the Israelites to be depositories of His law,He still wants the same in this 21st century.

There are souls that are in darkness and they need light.God says believers are the “salt and light” (Matthew 5:13-16) of the world.Interestingly,the sun does not choose which corner to brighten but  shines everywhere and so it is with the salt.The salt does not choose to bring savour to one portion but it brings taste everywhere it is poured.

Just like salt and light do not operate conditionally,so should the case be with us Christians.We are to be Christ-like at all times,irregardless of whether  we are the only Christian in a room or we are living under unconditional conditions.How I pray to be like Christ-consistent with God’s will always!

“Many take it for granted that they are Christians, simply because they subscribe to certain theological tenets. But they have not brought the truth into practical life. They have not believed and loved it, therefore they have not received the power and grace that come through sanctification of the truth. Men may profess faith in the truth; but if it does not make them sincere, kind, patient, forbearing, heavenly-minded, it is a curse to its possessors, and through their influence it is a curse to the world.”~The Desire of Ages,p.309,310.



I've come to realize that God allows us to go through certain circumstances so that we can learn to depend on Him solely.Often,we  put our trust on people while thinking God is our only hope.Not only does God use circumstances as means of teaching us to trust Him,but He uses circumstances to expose our shortcomings.I always thought I was patient but God has shown me that I still need this fruit of the Spirit.

God also uses circumstances to help us to work on our characters.Had we never been in certain situations,we would never see the need for depending on the Holy Spirit and we would assume we are "perfect".So,start thanking God for all the uunpleasant situations.They are for your OWN good!

Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...