Saturday 31 October 2015


One thing God has been teaching this year is being truthful and unpretentious-being myself and not trying to fit into people's ideas of who they think I am.Sometimes, you do feel a certain pressure that because you're a Christian,you must be an example and rightly so.But we are to be careful to not get to a point where we are more mindful of what people think rather than God.

For some time I struggled with balancing the two,but it all made sense when I understand thoroughly that nothing is hidden to God and he sees my motives.When it was brought to my attention that the only person I should be doing my all to impress is God,it all became easier and I am now becoming me with no burden to please people and believe me it's freeing.

But I believe one factor that contributes to pretense is FACEBOOK.Yes,it is.Often,I believe people live up to this image they create on facebook and now their lives end up revolving around the image.I personally have come to realise that facebook need not to be a diary.In fact,it was a dear sister that brought this to my mind.I was unaware that to some certain extent I had fallen prey of the facebook culture of updating about almost every interesting event in my life.

I have since learnt that you don't need to make everything about your life known,especially your service to God.There's no need for you to make an announcement when you're going to preach or doing a certain ministry.Don't get me wrong,you can share about your experience with God and how he's leading you in your ministry but I personally  don't see it appropriate to announce every preaching appointment that you have.

I personally believe not everything has to end up on facebook.I've had the most precious moments with certain sisters and I hold them dearly.And I believe for maintaining these relationships we need to have those "face to face" acknowledgements.What I mean is:if I have a great time with a certain sister,I need to tell her face to face.Why must I run on her wall?I kinda feel like this limits the level of sincerity and honesty.Why can't I inbox?All I'm saying we stand at a danger of becoming fake and proving we're also happy.

An example that's so prevalent is pictures of people taking pics during Sabbath and talking about the great Sabbath they had-in some cases it is sincere.But often the Sabbath becomes an event of meeting with friends and keeping with the "churchgoer" appearance.But it is often not kept holy.Jesting and unsanctified conversations mark the day.Isn't it evil then to appear as sincere worshipers of God when we dshonour him in His day of rest?

But then again,these are my opinions.I just pray that I don't announce every event in my life:off to a mission,shopping with friend,etc.Nothing wrong with this but a balance should be maintained.I wish I could express this in a more clearer way but I lack the correct words.All I'm saying is,nothing should be done with the motive of ending up on facebook.I also believe there should be more to taking pics-for making memories and not for the mere fact of facebook.


  1. There's someone who started posting/sharing that they were becoming "modest" on facebook. They started posting multiple pictures of themselves...Covered up properly. Then suddenly they were leaving their head exposed and part legs etc. And even wearing lipstick and braids. I was perplexed. Recently someone found one of their 'modest" photos and shared it as an example of modesty. My heart broke...Because I know the rest of the story. I've lived something like what you're saying...The people who write on my wall about how amazing I am etc. And suddenly they are gone but people still think we're these close friends then when they post something that doesn't match with 'our' lifestyle I have people asking me, "But aren't you friends? How come she's doing A,B,C?" Ahh sisi. It's sad what happens. We aren't using Facebook to testify anymore, we're using it to just 'be.' Why post pictures of a lunch you had with people who aren't even on Facebook? What's the point?

  2. PS. NOT saying I'm amazing, just how LOUDLY they were proclaiming their love and suddenly that love died, while people assume it still lives. Facebook ends up making people live fake lives and give false impressions.

  3. This is so true. Facebook has become more of a life book, wwe get automatic updates on people's lifestyle,decisions,relationships,interests e.t.c. Its as if our lives is connected to a recorder to update the nation.


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