Thursday 29 October 2015


One lesson God has to constantly teach me and remind me is Philippians 2:4 “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others”.I often get so absorbed with what’s happening in my life and around me,that I forget to reach out to others and keep up with how they are doing.

By the time I reach out,too much damage has occurred and some even conclude that I’ve abandoned them-when I could never do so.But I’m learning that it’s not enough to love people at a distance.People want to be shown and they want to be told that they are loved.Some will never take the first step,until you do.And you’ll never know what blessed companionship can come out of such a step,until you make it.

I’m learning that it’s not enough to pray for people and it’s not enough to reach out to them just once.They want to be constantly checked upon and they want you to show them that you sincerely care.

And to you my sisters,do know I’m praying for you.Do know that I do care for each one of you,even though I do not now you personally and even if I may not say it.My heart often breaks knowing the burdens you carry.I know the struggle is real-the different burden we each have to carry BUT God is there for each one of you.Hold onto Him,he never disappoints,even though I may.

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