Monday 27 March 2017

Are we raising our male children the same way we are doing with our girls? Part 2

I apologise for writing part 2 only now.I'm forever discovering things and I admit,I have a problem with writing things in parts,as I find myself digressing and focusing on other topics.My sincere apologies.

To refresh what part 1 is about,read here.

Argument 3: Most males argue that the mothers of their children do not allow them to feature in their children's lives,once the relationship ends.

I don't know.I'll be silent on things I do not know.

But honestly,cutting off a father/child relationship is a bit sad.Of course you might have your reasons that are justifiable.But think about it-lay your emotions aside,and think about the child's good.Pray about it even.

Argument 4:Women should be careful to not fall pregnant

 Funny comments my brothers have out there.Question is, who gets the women pregnant? I've noticed a one-sided outlook of copulation and it's consequences.It's a wrong outlook.

But here's my 2cents contribution:whenever we act outside of God's will there's bound to be misery.And I've also noted that there's this attitude of doing things without thinking about consequences:let's call it seasonal pleasures of sin.We want to feel nice and enjoy ourselves,not even thinking about the implications of our actions.Then when consequences do appear,one party runs away.Just like that.Even pointing to the other party as the reason.We'll call that the blame-game.

Hence the state of our society and many innocent children getting abandoned.

Such also leads to children not having male figures,and perhaps  questions of interest: a)are males affected more by growing up without their fathers?
b)are both children affected on different aspects?
c)are males brought up without fathers likely to abandon their children?
d)is there a generalised view that female children are more manageable or is it truly so?

Lastly: I've reached a point where I've decided,I'll be silent on certain issues-not that I do not care/I'm not moved:I'll just not be blogging about them.Perharps it's better to have personal interactions when dealing with certain things--that's it for now (till otherwise moved to write on such things).

But let me say this:
There's something wrong with  a society that ridicules,abuses,and condemns those who are in a vulnerable position
There's something wrong with a society that does not treat the next person as it would like to be treated
There's something disturbing about a society that's so vocal on condemnation while silent and indifferent to restoring the individual's dignity
Perharps,even my indifference for fear of 'what they'll say' is also problematic-the least you and I can do when we've gone through a traumatic experience that could've been avoided is to share our experiences (not easy,but do-able) so that others do not have to go through it
Lastly,by sharing certain things we might be encouraging evil.Think before circulating things-what implications they have on the individuals involved,and on those who will be exposed to whatever you are sharing....slowly noticing that we're a society that subtly encourages rape.

Lest we become inhumane

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