Wednesday 20 November 2013

The Beauty in Modesty


To me,Modesty is a LOVE THING-It's way deeper than clothes. It is allowing God's glory to shine through ME~without making myself an object of attraction.It means that I love my brothers so much that I don't want them to lose focus-but for them to be drawn to God.It also means I realise my worth and I fully understand I'm not an ornament to be looked upon and I will by no means try to do so.It also reminds me that I'm a steward(of my body and clothes) .I realise that God loves me so much that He wants to be part of every little aspect of my life-even how I dress and even if it means letting go. It means that I've fixed my eyes on Jesus to the extent that I've lost sight of myself-that is to say~I no longer want to make an entrance yet I want His presence to shine through.Modesty also means when people look at me,they shouldn't be drawn to my clothes BUT by something within AND because my body is the temple of GOD-I realise the Holy Spirit has to dwell inside me.I also realise that I should dress appropriately not putting my health in danger.

Love thing?Yes,it means that:I love God so much and my brothers and others so much I don't want to be a stumbling block.When the love of God dwells within then even the outside will reveal this.See,God says "love thy neighbour as you love yourself" For me this means:not to do anything that will cost the other person eternity.Come to think of it,I used to wear mini-dresses and my reasoning was:I look sexy.Yet,as I went to study about males and females:I learnt that males are visual beings.They are stimulated by sight and that's how God created them.But take note:to be stimulated by their wives within the marriage context.Seeing that sin has entered,those emotions are easily triggered.Jesus defines adultery as "looking lustfully at a woman" See,there must be certain parts exposed to make one lust:thighs,boobs,and apparently legs too.Now ask yourself this question:Do you want your brothers to continually fall into sin when they look at you?Don't you want them to have victory over sin?Cover up :).Also,I don't want people to feel "less attractive" because of all that I wear.How?See,often I've heard people say:"I can't go to your church you dress up" Yes and No:God's blessings beautify us on sabbath and it's also because I choose to buy a dress for church rather than jeans...TRUE in the sense that I've found that some use church as catwalk-display is all they are there for such that they've become fashion trend setters.See,when we buy clothes:let's be careful to not make others feel as if they have to reach to our standard or feel pressured(But ofcourse it goes both ways).

See, the fashion world or rather media has robbed us into thinking that NUDE is Beautiful.Yet God says otherwise.Isn't interesting that the Bible symbolises "purity/righteousness" by white garments.My interest is on the garment itself.This refers to the character ,that is,being holy YET the outward appearance is also crucial.See,people cannot read our hearts THUS the way we dress shows what's happening inside us and what we profess.

Looking to Christ as a role-model,in all things He pleased His father.He lways said "If it is your will,let it be done." How much thought do you put into your clothes?Do you also say "May your will be done"~See,God loves mankind and wants everyone to be saved.How then,will dressing up in such a way that will draw attention to you,Make the world know about God?

See,it all started in the garden of eden-that's when Eve lost sight of who God was(is) and sought to be a god herself.So it is with us.We want to be "SEEN" yet at the same time we want people to know we christians.They say "First impressions last" and that is true.You can only dress in 2 ways:To testify about God or to remove the picture of God.How? Well,imagine if you're wearing a vest that is showing off your cleavage/tight muscle top and you approach this individual:The first thing they'll see are those parts without even trying hard:How then do you expect the individual to think about God?

I've come to realise that,when girls hear about modesty:They think "unattractive"~that's not the case at all.Modesty simply means "beautiful,without showing off" Every time you seek to wear for compliments,that's still being immodest.God and God alone should be seen.Yes,modesty means beautiful~that which God looks upon and smile.Looking at God's nature-flowers in this context-you only see beauty.That's the same God who wants you to dress modestly,so that when people look at you they may see Him.

Also Jesus said he has come that we have life in abundance. For me that simply means He has come that we may have life & that also means putting health principles in practise(Because he's the same God that says "thou shalt not kill").Tight clothing disrupts the circulation of the blood and in women:this is known to cause sterility(ofcourse the duration is directly proportional to the effect) and in men too.Thus it advisable to wear loose fitting clothes:Comfortability instead of being sexy.

Also an interesting point from Deautoronomy 22:5"A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this." and Malachi 3:6 goes on to say “I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed." I couldn't argue against God.If God never liked trousers on women then,why would He now?Finally it hit me-clothing was also used to differentiate males from females.
Thought worth pondering upon:How many lesbians would feel comfortable to dress like males,if every women wore a skirt/dress?

Steward-By that I mean: I'm accountable for my body and how I treat it~"so whether you drink or eat or whatever you do,do it for the glory of God." Again, "let your light shine before all men,in order they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in heaven" See,holiness has little to do with church,it's all about "what you do"..."good works".Being modest means you'll not neglect feeding the poor and ministering to others-as Jesus did.So you won't spenD too much time and your money on clothing.


" Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight"-1Peter3:3-4

Just an introduction and I will expand on this :).


  1. Hello, I just found your blog. Loved this post....
    Blessings,Renee from:

  2. Hey Renee :).I'm glad that you found it and loved the post.Praise be to God-continually leading us to wisdom.Stay blessed.

  3. Good Morning...Dropping in to see how you are...

    1. Hey Renee.I'm well thank you,God has been and is still sustaining the hidden life-I hope you well too.Thanks for checking up on me,humbled.Oh,and I did check out the URL.Do you also have your blog? Are you by any chance on social networks?If so,do kindly send me your details-if you want to.

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