Monday 28 September 2015

Evolution Theory

I used to take this theory so light since I was taught from a young age that I was created by God.And as I continue to study about the human body I have no doubt that I did not evolve.In fact,with the beautiful flowers and mountains that surround me,I am ever convinced that I was created.EVOLUTION DID NOT HAPPEN!

But the sad thing is,most wars,deaths,abuse and discrimination stems from evolution.That I did not know and it's sad.The likes of Hitler and other dictators used the concept of "survival of the fittest" to kill those whom they deemed "weak",hence the killing of jews.And I'm convinced that's what inspired apartheid in South Africa.In fact,the likes of hitler and those behind eugenics were inspired to do such cruel acts after reading Darwin's book on evolution and used the same concepts to apply to the societies.It brought about the idea that life is a fight for resources and you must eliminate those who get in your way-this is even used in how some businesses are run.How evil.Such evil from assumptions and lies.How sad!The great controversy goes deeper than I thought.To think that we are able to blatantly deny God's existence,when we know that our theories are lies.What's worse?Most of these so called discoveries such as fossils etc are untrue.

To think that I spent about two years listening to such nonsense!We are really hopeless without God and when the will is not subjected to him,we become helpmeets of the devil.We really need God and we need His word.All this immorality based on lies.The least I can do is to stand in the light God has revealed.So help me God.

But this comforts me:

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.~Matthew 24:14

Everyone will get the chance to know the truth and will get to choose whether they believe in God and all His claims or not.God in the end,will have victory.And all the deceptions of the devil will be exposed.He will not win forever.He might seem like he's winning but he's not.

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