Thursday 10 September 2015


"Womanhood stands for all that is pure and clean and noble. She who does not make the world better for having lived in it, has failed to be all that a woman should be."~Mabel Hale

Lately,I've been learning what it really means to be a woman,in God's eyes and God is teaching me a lot.What I've come to realise is that, womanhood is a high calling and it requires one to entirely surrender all to God,for apart from Him we can never reach our ideal.Who better to consult,than the Creator of the woman Himself?

 “To understand the meaning of womanhood we have to start with God. If He is indeed “Creator of all things visible and invisible” .He is certainly in charge of all things, visible and invisible, stupendous and miniscule, magnificent and trivial. God has to be in charge of details if He is going to be in charge of the overall design.”~Elisabeth Elliot

Thus far,I've learnt that womahood has little to do with the externals-outward beauty.Womanhood is characterized by the character and if we want to be women,in the truest sense,we really need to allow the Holy Spirit to work within us; so that we may be righteous as God is.

The world has made womanhood so cheap,with no requirement of self-denial or standard to reach.But then again,we can never trust the world to define anything for us.The world would have us believe that, the more we focus our attention on outward beauty,the worthier we become.The world would have us believe that our value comes from accomplishments and all that we possess.But true womanhood is founded on God's standard and is far more different than what womanhood is made out to be-frivolous and feeding to it's sensual desires.

God admonishes us:"Favour is deceitful,and beauty is vain:but a woman that feareth the Lord,she shall be praised"(Proverbs 31:30).

"Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."(1 Peter 3:3-4)

We know that beauty diminishes,but here a beautiful contrast is made:the character,inward beauty doesn't fade.A godly character is the standard we should all strive for.One who is beautiful inside will beautify her surroundings.

When we lay down our selfish desires,when we do not need get validation from other people's opinions,when we don't don't thrive on attention,when we are not striving for first place,when our thoughts dwell on how we can bless and serve others,when we are not self-absorbed, then we are on the journey of being women.

The world would have us think that all that we possess and all that is ours is to minister to our flfillment even if it's not ennobling.The world would have us think that we were given eyes to behold that which is impure and what tickles  our fancy,while it brings no dignity.But our eyes were meant to see where there's a need,to see where there's sorrow and more,but we can ONLY possess such when we are acquianted with God.

The world would have us think that our speech is for flirting,degrading,criticism,and more,but our speech is to soothe,encourage,to speak kindly,gently and to ever inspire others to reach God's ideal for them.

The world would have us think that we can engage in whatever conversation,in jesting,gossip but all that comes from our mouths is to ever edify.

The world would have us think our hands are meant to be manicured,to type endless,senseless conversations and to rest in idleness and to touch the unclean.But our hands should ever be streched in service like our Master's,they should only be involved in handling that which is holy and doing good to others.

The world would have us think that a loose woman,who is not subject to any principles,who's bold enough to approach and pursue men (a man) is courageous;but courage is bearing struggles,trials in quiteness and standing for God,even in this sin-filled world.

The world would have us think that a woman who does not restrain her emotions and desires is free,but true freedom is having our emotions,tempers,desires,thoughts,appetite subject to God's principles.True womanhood calls us to not feed or be slaves to the sensual but to maintain purity of mind.

The world would have us think,our feet are to be clad in the most gorgeous shoes and they are to step anywhere,but our feet should be swift in doing good and swift to flee from evil.

True womanhood begins with God and ends with Him.


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