Thursday, 30 June 2016


A month ago,while walking to my friend's house I came across an ironic statement.A truck was written,"say no to underage drinking.It takes a village to raise a child".What I found ironic and saddening was that,these same individuals who produce alcohol are the same cause for broken families.Many children have to raise themselves because their mothers and fathers are slaves to alcohol.

I grew up watching families where everyone was a drunkard.From the grandparents,to the aunts,and this only resulted in children who were not taken care of and whose needs were not really taken into consideration.I've watched children having to drop out of school because the mother used the money to feed her drunkenness.These children then spend much time in the street and are exposed to many evils.

But one mental image I still hold and still hurts me is one of a young boy of about 4 years  of age who had to drag his staggering,drunken mother away from the road.This made me tear up and I often wonder what future does this little boy have?In fact,he was begging his mother tearfully to not go to the mainroad.I and my mom managed to get her atleast inside the vicinity.

Recently,a college student raped a certain woman because of alcohol.Women suffer abuse in the hands of their drunk husbands.Alcohol is a curse to mankind.Homes have been broken,the future of many children turned into darkness because of a father who drinks rather  than pay for the fees of the child.Many a child has to go to bed on an empty stomach,not due to employment,but because of alcoholism.Many have died due to drunken driving,some raped,beaten and mistreated because of this poison.

Marriage Vows Melted in the Fiery Liquid.—Look upon the
drunkard’s home. Mark the squalid poverty, the wretchedness, the
unutterable woe that are reigning there. See the once happy wife fleeing
before her maniac husband. Hear her plead for mercy as the cruel blows
fall on her shrinking form. Where are the sacred vows made at the
marriage altar? where is the love to cherish, the strength to protect
her now? Alas, these have been melted like precious pearls in the fiery
liquid, the cup of abominations! Look upon those half-naked children.
Once they were cherished tenderly. No wintry storm, nor the cold breath
of the world’s contempt and scorn, was permitted to approach them. A
father’s care, a mother’s love, made their home a paradise. Now all is
changed. Day by day the cries of agony wrenched from the lips of the
drunkard’s wife and children go up to heaven.—The Review and Herald,

November 8, 1881/Temperance,p31

The devil Himself is the author of the wine,that is,fermented wine.

SOP tells us that the devil met with his angels in a counsel to devise ways in which they could destroy mankind and after so many suggestions,the devil came to the conclusion of fermenting  wine to alcohol.I just forgot the reference-I'll try to remember it.But consider these scary statements:

Indulgence in intoxicating liquor places a man wholly under the
control of the demon who devised this stimulant in order to deface and
destroy the moral image of God.—Manuscript 1, 1899/Temperance,32

Behind the
liquor seller stands the mighty destroyer of souls, and every act which
earth or hell can devise is employed to draw human beings under his


Thus he [Satan] works when
he entices men to sell the soul for liquor. He takes possession of body,
mind, and soul, and it is no longer the man, but Satan, who acts. And the
cruelty of Satan is expressed as the drunkard lifts his hand to strike down
the wife he has promised to love and cherish as long as life shall last. The
deeds of the drunkard are an expression of Satan’s violence.—Medical

Ministry, 114/Temperance,32

Of course we may argue that the consumer is not forced to buy alcohol but the Bible counsels us to  be careful when we exercise our freedom;not be stumbling blocks to the weak (1 Corinthians 8:9).The principle of love is that it does no harm (Romans 13:10).In fact,God does not entertain those who sell alcohol.He holds them accountable.

“Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong; ... that saith, I will build me a wide house and large chambers, and cutteth him out windows; and it is ceiled with cedar, and painted with vermilion. Shalt thou reign, because thou closest thyself in cedar? ... Thine eyes and thine heart are not but for thy covetousness, and for to shed innocent blood, and for oppression, and for violence, to do it.” Jeremiah 22:13-17.

The Responsibility of the Liquor Dealer.—Those who sell
intoxicating liquor to their fellow men ... receive the earnings of the
drunkard, and give him no equivalent for his money. Instead of this, they
give him that which maddens him, which makes him act the fool, and
turns him into a demon of evil and cruelty.But angels of God have witnessed every step in the downward path,
and have traced every consequence that resulted from a man’s placing
the bottle to his neighbor’s lips. The liquor dealer is written in the
records among those whose hands are full of blood. He is condemned for
keeping on hand the poisonous draft by which his neighbor is tempted to
ruin, and by which homes are filled with wretchedness and degradation.
The Lord holds the liquor dealer responsible for every penny that comes
to his till out of the earnings of the poor drunkard, who has lost all moral
power, who has sunk his manhood in drink.—The Review and Herald,
May 8, 1894/Temperance,39,40 

There will be no excuse for the liquor dealers in that day
when every man shall receive according to his works. Those who have
destroyed life, will by their own life have to pay the penalty. God’s law

is holy and just and good.—Letter 90, 1908/Temperance,41,42

Research shows:

High Percentage of Crime Attributable to Liquor.—Nine tenths of
those who are taken to prison are those who have learned to drink.—The
Review and Herald, May 8, 1894/Temperance,23

The Testimony of the Judiciary.—The relation of crime to
intemperance is well understood by men who have to deal with those
who transgress the laws of the land. In the words of a Philadelphia judge:
“We can trace four fifths of the crimes that are committed to the influence
of rum. There is not one case in twenty where a man is tried for his life,
in which rum is not the direct or indirect cause of the murder. Rum and
blood, I mean the shedding of blood, go hand in hand.”—Drunkenness

and Crime, page 7/Temperance,23

Ever thought of the good the money used in alcohol could make?I always have.

The Starving Might Be Fed.—The cries of the starving millions in
our world would soon be hushed if the money put into the tills of the
liquor sellers were spent in alleviating the sufferings of humanity. But
the evil is constantly increasing. The youth are being educated to love
the vile stuff, and this is ruining them, soul and body. The work they
might do in God’s vineyard they refuse to do.—Manuscript 139, 1899/Temperance,29

Something worth think about.I'll definitely do a further study on this and hopefully in the future,I'll continue writing about it.

One interesting thing?I once read three articles on the effect of alcohol on the brain.Before I share the findings,consider this:the brain cells,neurons,cannot be multiplied!They can only be depleted and everytime you drink,they are destroyed but of course with age as well.

In the study they found that occasional drinking,once in a while,also causes deterioration including loss of planning,decision making and reasoning amongst other brain functions.The part of the brain that allows us to be able to execute these tasks is the frontal lobe.So,if you lose this function,you are likely to rely on the limbic system.The limbic system is part of the brain,found in the cerebral cortex that consist of the hippocampus ,basal ganglia and amygdala.The hippocampus is for memory-allows us to remember things and the amygdala is where emotions sit.So,you are likely to be controlled by emotions as you would have lost your reasoning capacities.You definitely don't want that.Consider this,God calls us to come and 'reason' with Him (Isaiah 1:18) considering our sin problem.But how can we reason if we've lost this capability?

God calls us to give ourselves as a living sacrifice-this being our 'reasonable' service (Romans 12:1-2).God appeals to the frontal lobe and not to the emotions.Could there be a link between alcohol and our salvation?Things to consider.

Interesting findings on moderate drinking,consider this:

Moderate Drinking.—Moderate drinking is the school in which men
are receiving an education for the drunkard’s career.—The Review and
Herald, March 25, 1884/Temperance,30

Wednesday, 29 June 2016


I must say 2016 is really an interesting year and proof that we are truly living in end times as the word of God (Bible) states.From gay people being killed by so called 'Christians' to racists claiming God requires them to be racist.All of this saddens me because it is a misrepresentation of who God is.And I realize why it is important to know God (Jeremiah 9:23-24).If we have a thorough knowledge of who God is,then we will be true representatives of Him.A thorough knowledge of God has a direct link to our salvation.Jesus said," And this is life eternal,that they might know the the only true God,and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent."(John 17:3)

Perhaps we can take this as an introduction of who God is,so that we may rightly serve and represent Him.

From Creation,will learn that God made mankind according to His likeness-the origin of mankind comes from God.From origin,the was one race,on language.God set laws that govern His kingdom and sadly,mankind was deceived into disregarding one of the commands.Sin entered and through sin,there was division.The point of departure has been disobedience/obedience to God's laws ALONE.

When men disregarded God's law,He then introduced a distinction to stop their plans of rebelling-the language was introduced and that's why we have such diversity.Then God chose a particular people,NOT BASED ON THEIR RACE,LANGUAGE,WEALTH etc but on the grounds that they would obey His commandments.So,throughout the Bible God has always sought to have people who adhere to His commandments for their own good and because he detests sin-which is defiance of His law.

But not only did God end there,He sent Jesus to die for EVERYONE'S sin-regardless of their race,sexuality,religion,social class etc.This is love (John 3:16),And as much as God is loving (1 John 4:8) He cannot tolerate sin because it's against His governance (1 John 3:4).In fact,it was for this reason Christ died-not only to die that we might have eternal life if we believe in Him,but to separate us with sin (1 John 3:5) and to help us to live in line with His commands (1 John 3:7).In fact,nowhere do we find in the Bible anything that's to do with God hating a certain race/anyone.Interestingly,only one thing can separate us from His love and having a relationship with Him-sin (Isaiah 59:2).Sin is a huge deal then,because the same Bible declares no situation can separate us from God (Romans 8:35;39) YET sin does!

So,we can conclude two things from God:God loves mankind and hates sin.

Is race sin?NO!So God does not hate any race.In fact,God Himself condemns partiality (James 2:9).Interestingly enough,when we show partiality/favor one group over another we sin---do that which God hates!In fact,God commands to love each other REGARDLESS of one's race.Then obviously,if we do the opposite we sin,which is what God hates.

So then,we can also establish that God shows no preference and he expects us to do the same.

Does God hate homosexuals?No!Why?Because they are humans.He loves them.Does God love homosexuality?NO,because it's defiance of His law.

See,God hates the 'acts'-homosexuality,racism NOT the individual.

Therefore,to be right with God we must part ways with that which He hates.

I'll add more Biblical content as time goes.Hopefully part 2 will be sooner.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016


Ignorance,superstition,and love of money combined are very dangerous and a curse to mankind;especially when human rights are trempled upon and one's life is taken for granted.

I was shocked to learn from a documentary that albinos are either mutilated or killed in Tanzania.They either mutilate the members of their bodies to use them in 'potions' or umuthi.These witch doctors believe because 'albinos' are 'white' having their limbs mixed in their potions will result to riches/wealth.The worst part is that the government is doing NOTHING about it;since most of its officials use 'muthi' themselves.

Some men who admitted to killing admitted their guilt but you could tell it's business for them.'Albinos' fear for their lives.A teenager was abducted and they cut her arm BUT FORTUNATELY she was rescued.She lives in fear.There are camps for them but the living conditions in those facilities are bad;the sometimes even go hungry because the government does not always deliver these food parcels.

When an 'albino' dies, some people have the audacity to exhume their bodies just have their limbs or genitals.
Because the community is entrenched in the witchcraft it's hard for them to stand against this injustice.Instead,if one reports a killing of an albino they are threatened or excommunicated :(.

In fact,this whole thing of calling them 'albinos' is sickening.It's sad that we relate to others with regards to solely physical appearance.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Devotional Snippet:Challenged to the utmost!!!

I am rebuked,challenged,and strengthened at the same time.So help me God!

"Success in this life, success in gaining the future life, depends upon a faithful, conscientious attention to the little things. Perfection is seen in the least, no less than in the greatest, of the works of God. The hand that hung the worlds in space is the hand that wrought with delicate skill the lilies of the field. And as God is perfect in his sphere, so we are to be perfect in ours. The symmetrical structure of a strong, beautiful character is built up by individual acts of duty. And faithfulness should characterize our life in the least as well as in the greatest of its details. Integrity in little things, the performance of little acts of fidelity and little deeds of kindness, will gladden the path of life; and when our work on earth is ended, it will be found that every one of the little duties faithfully performed has exerted an influence for good—an influence that can never perish.

The youth of our time may become as precious in the sight of God as was Samuel. By faithfully maintaining their Christian integrity, they may exert a strong influence in the work of reform. Such men are needed at this time. God has a work for every one of them. Never did men achieve greater results for God and humanity than may be achieved in this our day by those who will be faithful to their God-given trust. "-Patriarchs and Prophets,ch 55,p574

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Reflection:Being a 22 year old

I have realized that I value meaningful friendships.I value spending time with others,especially when I can learn from them and it is through spending time with others that I learn more about myself.I'm learning that there's always a lesson you can get from associating with different people and I'm at a point where I value my female sisters,as they add value to my life.

Anyway,this blogpost was 'ínspired' by my sister (in Christ) who's three years younger than me.As we were conversing today,she told me how she felt young.That's because she was surrounded by people who are  older than her.She said we were matured.Hahaha how funny.I don't think of myself as this old individual.Being 'matured' is a trait that others see IN you and it cannot be acted out,as it will only become a burden.

You cannot rush growing up.It's one area that must been enjoyed to the fullest.By enjoy I mean you should appreciate every stage you find yourself in.As a 20 year old you should not worry that you are not as 'matured' as so and so.I think the only important thing is allowing God to lead you and to constantly follow where He leads.The 'matured' part will happens on its own.You need not be pressured because others know more than you.ALL that matters is using every opportunity to become the person God wants you to be,WITHOUT worrying about whether you are like them or not.

One thing being 22 has taught me is,walk your journey with God,without being worried much about how others view you.The most important thing is your relationship with God and if that is well,and you continue to nurture it,everything else falls into place.

By rushing through life,you actually reflect and feel like you haven't lived.I think I did that-did not allow myself to be around young people since I did not want to be part of frivolous,meaningless conversations.I assumed that every young,LOUD person is like that-I'm sorry :)!But I've now learnt that one needs wisdom on how to interact.

I feel like I've been in a box where I was too scared to live,too scared to be myself,and I'm finally free.And I can honestly say life is beautiful-beautiful because God is in it.

OKAY,the whole point was,don't rush into adulthood;savor each moment.Build meaningful relationships.Laugh and go crazy-crazy in the sense that it's okay to visit your friend's room and jump on their bed (atleast when I was 20 my best friend and I did that).It's okay to allow yourself to grow without being too hard on yourself.It's okay to hold certain views even if they will wean off as you grow.You need not to come across all 'matured'.Even at 22,I'm still figuring out some things-a lot I mean,still learning about myself and so forth.

So relax.Don't worry yourself about how 25 would be like.I think I spent most days worrying about that,such that time just went by quickly.So,as much as growing older can be scary,when you live a meaningful life,at least,it's not as bad.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Thankful Sunday

Thankful for a God who always makes provision.A God who has an answer before us and who always provides a solution.Today,God reminded me that,He can handle His business.I need not to trust myself but to let Him lead me with His righteous hand!I am thankful for having such a God who gently leads us in the unknown while He Has been there before us.

Thankful to be surrounded by individuals who love God sincerely,who are willing to sacrifice everything just to see God's work going forward.Thankful that they are willing to work hand in hand with me,to make the burden even lighter.

It was a blessed Sabbath once again,I'll surely do a reflection on the sermon:). Tempted to write it now,but I've got good company-onto sisterhood :).Of course,I'm showing off.Being 22 makes you appreciate every chance you spend with other sisters :) <3.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Thankful Friday

This month has been really beautiful.I'm really thankful for God's leading.Have you ever had experiences where you are aware of God's leading?I've had those for over month,even today I had one.I went searching for the traffic department.I had searched for it in google and asked a lady to confirm.When I got there,I was given new directions.

On my way,I saw the sign and I walked for about a maximum of fifteen minutes and still couldn't see it.I decided to take the other direction.In my mind,I knew it wasn't the right route to take.As I got to the end of the steet,the place wasn't there.So,I decided to go back to the original board and check the sign again.And as I was headed to where the sign pointed,a sister from a certain church I've been attending appears out of nowhere and calls me.She then gave me a lift to the traffic department.Such providence!Just talking to her always uplifts the soul.

I think of moments when the Holy Spirit will impress upon me to leave so that I can catch the train and I would arrive just in time to catch it.Or I'd be impressed to leave and take a particular path just to meet someone who might need my help or a friend or whatever.I don't think such events occur by chance.To me,they show how possible it is to walk with God every step of the way,on a daily basis.

I'm thankful for individuals who just check up on me when they are dealing with a lot themselves.I thank God for these individuals.

I'm thankful for friends who are friends in the truest sense-who call out to me when I'm in the wrong,who pray for and with me.Friends who allow me to be vulnerable and who share their struggles with me-these are proof that I'm not struggling alone.

I'm thankful for the truth that God has revealed to me.It's sad to see people deceived while thinking they are on the right path.I came across a couple online who kept the true Sabbath.The sad thing was,they still worship ancestors.The Sabbath that was meant to point mankind to the true God and turn them away from idol worship .I pray that they realize truth.

I'm thankful for God-where would I even start?God is the only One who keeps me.I have hope because He is in my life.

I'm also thankful for His moral law.If it wasn't for His enabling grace to keep it,I know my life would be a mess.I really find myself wondering how do people survive without God's law?It is indeed holy and the law of liberty-liberty from danger and woe.I thank God for being a holy God who seeks to bring us back to His image.

I'm thankful for individuals who are passionate about God.Individuals who are not silent about God's goodness in their lives.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


It's easy to get weary in this Christian journey.One moment of carelessness,one moment of giving in,one moment of sleeping can lead to a stagnant walk with God.And it takes much effort to just get back where you were spiritually.I've had such an experience myself. I took time to evaluate the cause.Although I will not go into detail due to time or saving the info for a later stage,there are a few things I've noted.

We are to be intentional with our relationship with God.I'm sure we have all pursued something;whether it's a degree,weight loss or whatever.In pursuing something,we are not to lose focus and there's a reason behind pursuing something.Let's take an example of pursuing a degree:you pursue it so that you can make a living and be helpful to others.

I've learnt that when we understand how important God is to us,then He becomes a priority.I'm at a point in my life where I realize I need God the most.Even if I may have people to turn to,they are limited.They cannot give me strength when I'm weary,they cannot give me victory over sin and they cannot be omnipresent.These qualities I can only find in God and He is my refuge.And since my relationship with God is so crucial,then there are things I cannot do without like prayer and reading His Word.So I need to daily make a conscious decision to pray and have my devotions and spend time with Him.

It's also important to have goals.It's important to assess your relationship with God and decide what you need to improve on and what  you'd love to learn.In my case,I've realized that my knowledge of prophecy (Daniel and Revelation) is limited and I need to study these subjects extensively.And I've decided to do something about this.So,we need to always have aims we'd like to achieve and it is through this that we grow.We are to grow in knowledge and application.But if we do not set specific times to study God's Word,to pray,to meditate,then all is in vain.

One important lesson God has taught me this year that I'm really thankful for is the power of CHOICE.I always wondered why my relationship with God was stagnant until I realised how crucial choice is in my growth.I always have a choice.A choice to choose between that which will help me eternally and that which will give me temporal pleasure.So,I got to understand that listening to the muffinz would be good and bring pleasure,but the music wouldn't lead me to love God more and hunger after spiritual food.Whenever we are faced with decisions,it's important to weigh these options.Yes,you might not necessarily feel like it,but you've got to choose.I can't count the times when the thought of doing my devotion excited me but until I actually do the devotion,all is in vain.

There's been moments of weariness,times when I've felt lonely-missing my beloved mother and my beloved twin.Missing my beloved sisters in Christ.Times I've felt void of courage and just wanted to sleep and let the hand of God slip.But when I used the strength God gave me and chose prayer and His Word,I have always become uplifted and comforted.God's Word and His promises comfort the soul more than anything.

And so,we need to make our time with God enjoyable.It's not an obligation but one of the precious moments.Time with your Creator,Father and Friend.Choose Him over temporal pleasure.If it means sweat,tears,then be it,because God is so much worth it.Christ trod the path and he resisted unto blood.We have not resisted unto blood.We have not been weary such that we have daily felt exhausted.There's a narrow way.Many have walked it.There's blood on the white wall,blood to encourage us to continue.Let's soldier on.

"Wherefore seeing that we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,let us lay aside every weight ,and the SIN which easily beset us,and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,Looking unto Jesus the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God"-Hebrews 12:1-2(emphasis mine)

"Ye have not yet resisted unto blood,striving against sin."-Hebrews 12:4

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Sabbath Reflections:11 June 2016

For the past few months my Sabbaths have been exceptional.Exceptional because of the fellowship I experience.I sincerely thank God for the sisters he has placed around me.They are amazing.It's my prayer that as a sister,I may too add value to another sisters' experiences.I've been encouraged.And I continue to be encouraged.Encouraged as I listen to the testimonies of these sisters,the beautiful lessons God teaches them and for the first time,I feel emotional at the thought of that I'll not seem some for three weeks or so.It hurts :(.I never knew how wonderful it is to dwell amongst my sisters.

Back to my Sabbath.It was holy communion and some of us shared our testimonies.One of the sister's testimonies really stood out for me and it is just beautiful.She shared how God delivered her from homosexuality and this just made me realize how deep God's love is.But the whole testimony opened my eyes to the reality of homosexuality and how many sincerely desire to come out of it.Looking back,I realise,even I have failed in how I deal with homosexuals.Often it's easy to focus on the outward sin while failing to deal with one's sins.But I remember interacting with one gay and I felt so much love for him,because God created him too.And I just pitied him because I realize most gays are discriminated against and excluded.I realize that my FIRST duty towards homosexuals is to love them and deal with them as I would with anyone I love.Most of them have been abused,hurt,hated,and even abandoned.The least I can do is to be there.I also need to introduce them to Christ who will be the One who loves them thoroughly,takes the journey with them and helps them.

I've just watched a documentary on those who've been through homosexuality and overcame.It's touvhing,heart-breaking but more than any,a testimony of God's far-reaching grace to every sin.I believe we need to learn more about this sin,so that we know how to deal with them rightly and understand them.To notonly point out the sin and the Saviour too.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.-1 Thessalonians 5:3

To  be continued....

Cold Formalism

Yesterday,someone put up a status about someone who came into the church and neglected her best friend.She cut all ties and did not even share the light she found with her.She started wondering if she had done something wrong and wanted to know if they are still best friends.There has also been reports of people encountering cold missionaries.This has really saddened me because I'm well acquinted with cold formalism.I'm a recovering cold formalist (if there's such a thing).

This year,God has been teaching me what true love is about in the social context.It's easy to love those who love you and who have the same interests and views as you.And that's me,I'm so drawn to those who share similar thoughts with me.But what does it help,to love those who love us?God calls us to love everyone,regardless of whether they are of the same faith,race,class,religion as us.We're counselled to love everyone as we love ourselves.

Let me use social pyschology to explain why we sometimes show cold formalism within God's house:

In social physchology,there's a concept called social categorization.One group-the ingroup views itself better than the outgroup-those who do not belong to their group.The ingroup always attribute positive traits to them,while they see defects in the outgroup.
In order for the ingroup to change its views,contact hypothesis is applied.This means both group are brought into contact with each other and they get to see similarities and this reduces the ingroup's stereotype about the other group.

There are also other ways to solve social categorization-like mixing these groups and forming new groups and have them work on a certain goal.

The sad thing is,this concept of social categorization is also in christendom,but in reality it's selfishness and cold formalism.I know it too well,since I suffered from it and God is helping me still.It's often more common amongst those who are reforming.Unbeknown to them sometimes,they start excluding those they 'deem' below their standard( instead of God's) and they choose to associate with those who follow the same reforms while excluding others.This may be done because they feel comfortable with their group since there are similarities and common ground.But in reality this is satan's studied plan.

God would have us show love even to those who are not yet where we are spiritually and we are to always remember where God took us from.And when we associate with these individuals,we get a chance to learn from each other.In the rightful context,judging is when we deem others less,and exclude them since they are not where WE think they should be-forgetting that we cannot see the heart.Here,we err.How will those who've got little knowledge learn?But besides learning,they need love.

"The greatest argument of the gospel is a lovable and loving Christian"(paraphrased)-MH
I'm really challenged and i realize,the more you reform or learn more about God's will-the more you need Him because you can either draw others to Him or away from Him.

"Every association of life calls for the exercise of self-control, forbearance, and sympathy. We differ so widely in disposition, habits, education, that our ways of looking at things vary. We judge differently. Our understanding of truth, our ideas in regard to the conduct of life, are not in all respects the same. There are no two whose experience is alike in every particular. The trials of one are not the trials of another. The duties that one finds light are to another most difficult and perplexing. 

So frail, so ignorant, so liable to misconception is human nature, that each should be careful in the estimate he places upon another. We little know the bearing of our acts upon the experience of others. What we do or say may seem to us of little moment, when, could our eyes be opened, we should see that upon it depended the most important results for good or for evil."-MH,483

"It is through the social relations that Christianity comes in contact with the world. Every man or woman who has received the divine illumination is to shed light on the dark pathway of those who are unacquainted with the better way. Social power, sanctified by the Spirit of Christ, must be improved in bringing souls to the Saviour. Christ is not to be hid away in the heart as a coveted treasure, sacred and sweet, to be enjoyed solely by the possessor. We are to have Christ in us as a well of water, springing up into everlasting life, refreshing all who come in contact with us."-MH,496

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Devotion and Reflections:Part 2

One thing tat comes in handy when I'm reading a certain book/passage,is reading it on the Spirit of Prophecy as well.It makes you understand certain concepts that you might not get.But the Holy Spirit is indeed a teacher.There are instances when he'll impress something in your mind and when you read the Bible/SOP you get a confirmation.

The statements below really stood out for me:

"In freeing our souls from the bondage of
sin, God has wrought for us a deliverance greater than that of the Hebrews at the Red Sea. Like the
Hebrew host, we should praise the Lord with heart and soul and voice for His "wonderful works to the
children of men." Those who dwell upon God's great mercies, and are not unmindful of His lesser gifts,
will put on the girdle of gladness and make melody in their hearts to the Lord. The daily blessings that
we receive from the hand of God, and above all else the death of Jesus to bring happiness and heaven
within our reach, should be a theme for constant gratitude. What compassion, what matchless love, has
God shown to us, lost sinners, in connecting us with Himself, to be to Him a peculiar treasure! What a
sacrifice has been made by our Redeemer, that we may be called children of God! We should praise
God for the blessed hope held out before us in the great plan of redemption, we should praise Him for
the heavenly inheritance and for His rich promises; praise Him that Jesus lives to intercede for us."

"Often the Christian life is beset by dangers, and duty seems
hard to perform. The imagination pictures impending ruin before and bondage or death behind. Yet the
voice of God speaks clearly, "Go forward." We should obey this command, even though our eyes
cannot penetrate the darkness, and we feel the cold waves about our feet. The obstacles that hinder our
progress will never disappear before a halting, doubting spirit. Those who defer obedience till every
shadow of uncertainty disappears and there remains no risk of failure or defeat, will never obey at all.
Unbelief whispers, "Let us wait till the obstructions are removed, and we can see our way clearly;" but
faith courageously urges an advance, hoping all things, believing all things." -PP,p.290

Devotion and Reflections:Part 1

I can safely say,for the Christian,completeness only occurs through constant communion with God and applying whatever lesson God teaches us.Personally,whenever I slack in my devotional life,I start to feel empty.It is through prayer,study of God's Word and sharing Him that I get the most fulfillment in life.Few weeks back I started spending less time in prayer and more time listening to music and by the end of the week,I felt burnt out.I am learning that communion with God grants us peace of mind,strength,love for God more than sin and the ability to trust in God regardless of how the future looks like.

God really loves us and constantly he seeks what's best for us.God's best might not necessarily bring us joy initially but as we allow him to lead,it  is then that we see his goodness.I'm really realizing that God truly means what he says.He does not sell us dreams,but his thoughts toward us are more than we can imagine.God takes the salvation of each one of us seriously that he does all he can to make us see the bigger picture.But not only is God interested in our salvation,but also in the smallest details of our lives-our well-being,our needs,our sorrows,joys and more.It's really humbling.

For my evening devotion,I decided to read Exodus 12-15.And one thought that has always been on my mind is why God led the Israelites through the red sea?Yes,he wanted to show his greatness to the Israelites.But one thing that humbles me is the fact that He also took them through this path to save them from the Philistines.He knew that they'd be discouraged as they were not prepared to fight.How gently Christ leads us!!!He considers where we are and allow trials that are in our level.Indeed,he remembers that we are but dust!How comforting.

This he does even in our spiritual lives.Ever been so overwhelmed others know things you do not know?I have,but God has made it clear that he does not teach us the same things because we are at different levels in our spiritual journey.So,it's okay if others know what you do not know,we are all learning.So,focus on where God is leading you as an individual.Of course this doesn't mean we should be content with knowing little.

I have also learnt that nothing in the Bible is there by chance and everything/most things point to Christ as our Redeemer.Nothing that's in the Bible is there by chance.It all points to the plan of salvation.When the angel was going to kill the firstborns,God ordered the Israelites to eat meat with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.I did not realize that all these had their meaning.The unleavened bread symbolised leaving apart from sin-putting away sin.Leaven represents sin at times.While the bitter herbs symbolised the bitterness from being slaves/bound by sin.So,with regards to the Bible,there shouldn't be parts that we esteem better than others.Everything in the Bible is significant.In fact,I used to be one person who never bothered to read the genealogy.But this year,I decided to,and I got such a wonderful lesson.Hope I'll share it,either on a seminar/here.

One statement stuck with me and it is encouraging to me:

"The path where God leads the way may lie through the desert or the sea,but it is a safe path."-PP,p.290

Friday, 3 June 2016

03 June 2016:Thankful Friday

Thankful for God's faithful leading up until now.The past week has been challenging.In fact,the whole month of May had it's all challenges.There's been moments of weariness,doubts.There's been moments where I felt like giving up.There's been moments where the whole great controversy overwhelmed me.But through it all God had remained faithful.I've seen him perform wonders in my heart,guiding me gently,teaching me to let go of bitterness,anger and he replaced all of that with peace.Through prayer,His Word,and the encouragement of sisters I've been encouraged.I'm thankful that,even when we sometimes put ourselves in certain situations,God pulls us through and heals us.

I can testify to these words:

"The love which Christ diffuses through the whole being is a vitalizing power. Every vital part--the brain, the heart, the nerves--it touches with healing. By it the highest energies of the being are roused to activity. It frees the soul from the guilt and sorrow, the anxiety and care, that crush the life forces. With it come serenity and composure. It implants in the soul, joy that nothing earthly can destroy,--joy in the Holy Spirit,--health-giving, life-giving joy."-MH,p.115

May these scriptures bless you as you prepare your heart for God's Sabbath :).

"Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour. . . . Since thou wast precious in My sight, thou hast been honorable, and I have loved thee." "I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins." "Fear not: for I am with thee." Isaiah 43:1-4, 25, 5.
"Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust." Psalm 103:13, 14.

"Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God." "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Jeremiah 3:13; 1 John 1:9.

"I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto Me; for I have redeemed thee." Isaiah 44:22.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land." Isaiah 1:18, 19.

"I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee." "I hid My face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee." Jeremiah 31:3; Isaiah 54:8.
"Let not your heart be troubled." "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:1, 27.

"A Man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." Isaiah 32:2. 

"when the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them." Isaiah 41:17.

"Thus saith the Lord that made thee": "I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon thine offspring." Isaiah 44:2, 3.
"Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth." Isaiah 45:22.

"Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses." "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed." Matthew 8:17; Isaiah 53:5.

Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...