Saturday 25 June 2016

Thankful Sunday

Thankful for a God who always makes provision.A God who has an answer before us and who always provides a solution.Today,God reminded me that,He can handle His business.I need not to trust myself but to let Him lead me with His righteous hand!I am thankful for having such a God who gently leads us in the unknown while He Has been there before us.

Thankful to be surrounded by individuals who love God sincerely,who are willing to sacrifice everything just to see God's work going forward.Thankful that they are willing to work hand in hand with me,to make the burden even lighter.

It was a blessed Sabbath once again,I'll surely do a reflection on the sermon:). Tempted to write it now,but I've got good company-onto sisterhood :).Of course,I'm showing off.Being 22 makes you appreciate every chance you spend with other sisters :) <3.

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