Friday 5 August 2016


I am falling inlove with August :).I was spiritually born on the 11th of August and some sisters that I hold dear were born this month.Not only so,it has a significance in South Africa.

On the 9th of August 1956, about 20 000 women from diffrent races marched to the Union Buildings with about 10 000 petitions against the "pass law".Sixty years later, here am I,free to move around without my dompas (Identification Document).Here am I with the freedom to go from one place to another without the fear tof being stopped by a white policeman.This is an example of what happens when women unite.

We no longer have these laws but there are still many issues that need women-women of all ages
.Like the little girl wearing the same clothes because she has none.
Like the little child who has fallen and is crying
Like the young girl who has no goals in life
Like the young boy who's being bullied
Like the young boy who's facing peer pressure
Like the young girl who finds herself pregnant,confused,and alone
Like the youg people who find themselves bound by lust,addiction,and more
Like the young children who know nothing about God and how much He loves them
Like the granny who needs her house to be cleaned and food to eat
I can go on and on

As a Christian woman I have duty to God and mankind-not only on special occasions.But the truth is,at times I've left my post unattended.One thing that still tears my heart is the fact that even with an increase in condoms and contraceptives,teenage pregnancy is still on the rise.It goes on to show that the problem is not with pregnancy,but it's an underlying  cause and indeed this is a societal issue.

Whenever a young girl I know falls pregnant,I always ask myself:where was I?Had I availed myself would this still be the case?Had I availed my case would she still need a validation from the male that she is loved,beautiful,and more?Had I availed myself would she continued in the way leading to death?Had I been accepting would she come and tell me what's on her mind or what is it that's bothering her?Had I been more focused on others than myself?

I realize now that the issue is that we have not opened a safe space where we can just open up to each other.A space where no-one is trying to be holy.But a space where we can meet,talk about our struggles,advise each other,read God's Word for counsel and continue from there.But this is not possible without accepting others and loving one another-aspects I really need to work on since I tend to be rigid minded and have all these  childish expectations but God is helping.

Can we make the gospel personal,because it is!It cuts through the darkest corners.I wish we could just have a month where we just use the Sabbath to meet as sisters and just talk.Not talk about the beast,the sanctuary,but talk about who God is,how He loves us and how He sees us and from that understanding,we can go on to prepare to meet Him.I mean,what's the point of talking about Jesus' coming when we still do not have victory over things which may seem like nothing?

So,like One Sister told me of her dream to have Friday sessions with other women just talking about real issues and counselling and learning together,I'm for it.I mean,what's the point of us going to church while still slaves to sin and us putting up religious faces?I'm not saying we should stop going to church,I'm saying let's be real.Real in the sense that we are sinning and we need strength and we need to hear how others overcame and have been saved from making certain mistakes.Less sermonizing and more teaching and praying.


  1. Exactly. I had a dream like that once. To just meet as females and be open. Alas, it turned out the females k thought loved God, didn't... In that they weren't 'struggling' against sin, they were happy to sin and we just would not have had genuine discussions. I wish I had a big sisterhood that knew each others struggles, prayed and kept each other motivated to keep marching forward while acknowledging that falling is bad but not the end of the world for we all once (or still do) fell too. That's what I wish for. Christian sisters in every sense.

    1. That's sad :(...I pray that we may reach a point where we ALL hate sin as children of God.


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