Friday, 29 April 2016

Sabbath Opening Sharing

29 APRIL 2016

Happy Sabbath dear friends!!!It is my humble prayer that we may take the time to reflect on how Christ suffered on our behalf.This evening I had the privilege to hear my friend share for the first time and God spoke through her.

Her sharing was based on Matthew 26:36-56-Jesus in Gethsemane.
A few things stood out for me:

-Sin is evil and it caused Jesus,the Creator of the universe,to suffer anguish and pain
-Jesus,could have said,or decided to have His own way and go back to heaven.I mean,He came to die for the disciples,YET they were sleeping!Yet,instead of giving up,He went back to prayer.Dear friends,Prayer strengthens the soul.There are times in the Christian journey when you are just tired and discouraged,but whenever we open our hearts to Him,the soul is refreshed!
-How humble is Christ-even when He could call on thousands of angels to kill his enemies,He still chose to take the narrow path,the painful path.Indeed,he was silent unto death!
How deep is God's love for each one of us,dear friends.Gethsemane,was the deciding factor-our fate hanged there-and Jesus,as he saw us redeemed,ad he saw how weak we were,He chose shame,so that in exchange,we may be glorified.


May we be broken by Christ and may we humble ourselves too and let Him reign in our hearts.May we take time,daily,to reflect on how much God has loved us and fearfully respond by loving Him back!
Indeed,God is worthy,He is the King of Kings,all honor,glory and power belong to Him!

A picture of I and the friend who shared,taken last year :)

Philippians 2:5-8King James Version (KJV)

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cros

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Thankful Thursday/Devotional Snippet

Bless the Lord,O,my soul!!!!Thankful for God's love and all the trouble He went through just so I could be saved.To think that I could be a slave to sin,if He hadn't intervened!I'm even more thankful that He moved upon my heart to read chapter 30 of the Great Controversy.My soul has been watered.

Three statements just blessed and encouraged me!!Indeed,Honor,glory,and power only belongs to Him!

"Had not God specially interposed, Satan and man would have entered into an alliance against Heaven; and instead of cherishing enmity against Satan, the whole human family would have been united in opposition to God."-p.505

"It is the grace that Christ implants in the soul which creates in man enmity against Satan. Without this converting grace and renewing power, man would continue the captive of Satan, a servant ever ready to do his bidding. But the new principle in the soul creates conflict where hitherto had been peace. The power which Christ imparts enables man to resist the tyrant and usurper. Whoever is seen to abhor sin instead of loving it, whoever resists and conquers those passions that have held sway within, displays the operation of a principle wholly from above."-p506

"Satan assailed Christ with his fiercest and most subtle temptations, but he was repulsed in every conflict. Those battles were fought in our behalf; those victories make it possible for us to conquer. Christ will give strength to all who seek it. No man without his own consent can be overcome by Satan. The tempter has no power to control the will or to force the soul to sin. He may distress, but he cannot contaminate. He can cause agony, but not defilement. The fact that Christ has conquered should inspire His followers with courage to fight manfully the battle against sin and Satan."-p510

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

In Despair BUT NOT Defeated

My heart is aching in ways I can not explain.It aches on behalf of my sisters.How I wish and pray God may come through for you!!!

It hurts to know,there are some beautiful sisters who think they are not worth much BECAUSE they are not in a relationship.Man,this kills me!My sisters,please do not be deceived.Your worth is not defined by the number of guys who approach you.

Your worth can only be pointed to Christ at calvary:

"The value of a soul, who can estimate? Would you know its worth? go to Gethsemane, and there watch Christ through those hours of anguish, when He sweat as it were great drops of blood. Look upon the Saviour uplifted on the cross. Hear the despairing cry 'My God, My God, why has though forsaken Me?" Mark 15:34. Look upon the wounded head, the pierced side, the marred feet. Remember that Christ risked all. For our redemption heaven itself was imperiled. At the foot of the cross, remembering that for one sinner Christ would have laid down His life, you may estimate the value of a soul" EGW
That is YOUR worth dear sister.

I cannot say no further.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Let me say this....

Since I'm not very good at keeping quiet when something is not RIGHT.I think I've kept quiet for long,since I thought it's not my business.But I'm learning that,if one's salvation is at stake then it becomes my problem.I've watched sisters fall and the only question left was,"where was I?''. As far as it's possible,I don't want to be guilty of anyone's blood,especially those who are my sisters and brothers.

See,the devil is really redoubling his efforts to  make sure we do not live wholly for Christ,we do not give ourselves fully to God and he does all he can distract us from reality,which is,probation may close at any time and we need to let go of sin now.He does this in many ways,but of late,he's using relationships.Lately,my brothers and sisters get into relationships haphazardly-without these relationships clearly defined.It's just feelings and a few principles upheld,then the relationship starts.God not consulted,no elderly person involved,no vision for it.

What gets me?The fact that my dear brothers are not manly enough to actually be honest at the first go:that they'd like to pursue a sister.Now my sisters have to go around in circles trying to figure out what's really happening.And at the end of the day,the relationship is still not clear.May this be clear:It is no right to have the benefits of a courtship when the relationship is not clearly defined.

What's worse,I see my beloved sisters battling with the question,"what are we?".It is irresponsible to call out the affections of someone when you are not willing to pursue a relationship that will lead to marriage.It's as if,many want to have someone fill a position of a future spouse,while in reality,they know they will not even marry the individual.

And to my sisters :

Can we actually start valuing our salvation and relationship with God more seriously?I really understand that some of you would like to marry.But this does not mean we must start being careless with the giving of our affections.I say this in love and sincerity-not out of a judgemental tone. It seems to me that,we are so quick of doing things-getting into relationships specifically,when we have not sincerely sought God's will.In most cases,we enter into relationship because we 'feel'.Passions and feelings are consulted instead of God,His Word,and the testimonies.Or we choose to consult Him when the decision has been made.

Moreover,we get into relationships while we haven't figured who we are,what we want in life,what God would have us do.We enter into relationship while we're not ripe emotionally,mentally,and spiritually.And at the end,we ruin others and ourselves.

I believe it's high time for us to choose what God wants,not what we think we need.Many in the past have chosen their will over God's,and the world we live in is proof of what happens when mankind choose his will without aligning it with God's will.I think we need to stop making excuses like "I was young", "I wasn't thinking" etc.Josiah was just young yet he could lead a nation.We cannot keep making choices that are not inspired by God while we claim to be his children.

God "needs" us,He needs the WHOLE OF US.If we  have these baggages we carry,we hinder our growth spiritually and the work of God.By entering into pre-mature relationships,only unnecessary stress results and this is not how God would have it.Let's leave the work of matchmaking to God and give oursleves wholly to Him.

P.S:Of late I write a lot about relationships mainly because they are the ones that eat away the spiritually of most youth and due to lessons learnt.With that said,God's Word,the testimonies,godly counselors are ones to consult NOT MY BLOG :).

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

He has redeemed me

The photo below reminds of so many things.It was taken in 2013, at a SDASM camp :).

Before the camp,I never knew I was an introvert.The camp was nice but I honestly felt lonely although the were people around.My best friend was not there,so I felt rather sad.Even though I sat around people,listening to their conversations,I still felt lost.I wanted to talk about meaningful things,but how could I even strike up a conversation?

It was a difficult year.A year of insecurities.A year of feeling like I wasn't "enough".Taking pictures was the hardest thing.I still don't know why-didn't feel beautiful enough I guess.But I also didn't know that pictures were more about memories.

I only had one or two friends and I had difficulties interacting.I wished I was also "part of the group" of sisters,but I probably wouldn't fit in.

BUT as I look back, I should have made the most of it.I should have taken the initiative to get to know others in person,smiled more and cared more.Instead of worrying about what others thought of me,I should have cared more about their needs,well-being and more.

If only I had known how much I was loved by God.If only I had known my worth was not about how others viewed me,my achievements,I would've done a better job at being me.

BUT I'm also thankful,as I would've never known I'm an 'introvert"; I just thought I was weird.Some even said I was shy.I'm not sure if I'm purely an introvert and this is too limiting for me now that I look back.

But I'm grateful that I'm loved by God
That I'm learning to not be absorbed in emotions and in me;although it's difficult for me to not be absorbed in my thoughts-just love thinking,but now and  again I lift up my head.

I'm glad that God has redeemed me from the syndrome of caring about "what they think".He's also removing my fearfulness and insecurities.Now,I can laugh without being scared.I can be happy,without worrying about something bad happening.

I'm better,a better person.More rooted in Him.Learning to make Him my joy and tower of strength.


(Based on Genesis 34)

Rape is becoming a normal thing.Often than not,the victims are often made to feel that the fault is with them.But regardless of the reasons behind it,RAPE IS WRONG.

I read this chapter a few weeks ago and one thing stood out for me :the response of Dinah's brothers. Their question was not "what was she wearing" or "did she flirt/seduce him".But they understood the underlying principle-her consent was not taken into  account and so was her dignity.They were hurt and revenged him.Now get this : A wrong act cannot be resolved by another wrong act;but keeping quiet about it also is a problem.

Often,when I listen to talk shows are present on the issue of rape,there will be one man who'll always blame the woman and ask the validity.Now,that is a wrong reaction which angers me.Males need to be taught that females are to be respected and trated with all purity-when this is understood,they'll actually speak more on this issue.

Another thing I'd like to address is,love does not coerce.We are told that Schecem 'loved' her,but in the true sense,he did not-he lusted after her.Had he really loved her,he wouldn't have raped her,secondly,he would have married her FIRSTLY.

I think as Christians we need to start addressing the various aspects of injustice that happen in our society-because we are called to exalt justice.Moreover,we need more men who understand the value of girls and women who will NOT KEEP SILENT against such evil.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Sabbath Reflections,Part1

I had the best Sabbath :).I thank God for choosing where I should worship yesterday or I would have definitely missed out on the beautiful lessons that were shared.A small group of our mission group visited a church in the location-to do some facts-finding project in the afternoon.Everything went well,met lovely sisters and brothers,plus the food-too good-made me realize I can leave without vegetarian sausages etc and made me realize that I should start cooking seriously :).

But the highlight was the afternoon study.The elder that was sharing was looking at the timeline of humans and what each of us  should achieve in each stage.He started with childhood and ended with the youth stage.


It was mentioned that one of the main things that happen in childhood is physical growth.In the Bible there are several texts that mention how the child "grew".Even in Jesus' own life we are told he grew physically (Luke 2:52).But it does not end there.I  must mention that I forgot some of the scriptures that were shared since we got the program in the middle.But one thing that was said is,the chances of a person receiving Christ decrease,if they do not accept him at the age of 12 years old

Childhood is a stage to:

  • Learn the Holy Scriptures -2 Timothy 3:15;Deuteronomy 11:19
  • Learn the law of God
  • Learn the gospel
  • To be trained for service
  • Come to Jesus - Matthew 19:14
A profound point that requires much reflection and prayer was posed : are there still faithful mothers who raise their children according to God's Word,like Timothy's granny and mother or women are absorbed in helping the husband make ends meet,while the child suffers?

To those who consider motherhood,please ponder on this issue and read the book Child Guidance so that you are well prepared.

Youth Stage

  • Time to trust in the Lord - Psalm 71:5;17
  • Time to rejoice -Ecclesiastes 11:9,10.It was mentioned that Youth is a stage to be joyful and not full of anxiety;but in us enjoying this stage,we must remember God is watching and judging us.You can use this time to discover your talents,dreams,learn new skills,musical instrument,travel etc
  • Time to remember your Creator-Ecclesiastes 12:1
  • Time to bear burdens and responsibilities - Lamentations 3:27
  • Time to be led by God- Jeremiah 3:4
  • Time to live an exemplary life - 1 Timothy 4:12
It was also mentioned that,youth is time to grow and pursue God's will and we should make the most of it;since,when you settle down you cannot just wake up and travel-you have to ask for permission either from your spouse and consider them in your decisions.

It was also stressed that,it is crucial to do the right thing at the right time
I cannot thank God enough for such wonderful lessons that have comforted me and equipped me at the same time.I am learning that this season of being a young person should not be treated haphazardly-but every moment should count,especially in serving the Lord!


Friday, 15 April 2016

Do you have peace about?

God speaks to us in various ways.He speaks throughHis Word,through other people-a preacher/a sister,through the conscience as well.

But I've learnt that when we do anything that God does not approveof,we will not have peace.We might follow all the principles,but the feelings of being unsure will stay remain.

I've also learnt,following God's principles out of His timing is not right.For example,you might be in a courtship and be convinced that He's pleased since you are not kissing etc;but if it is not God's will to be in a relationship,you will not have peace.You can pray as much as you please,but God will not approve still.

Doing God's will will be followed by peace of mind,regardless of how difficult a situation is.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Thankful for proper functioning lower limbs

It's so easy to get absorbed in the things of this life,that we even forget to be thankful.Instead,we start acting like "we deserve" what God blesses us with.But yesterday's experience was such a sobering moment.And I pray I never get to a point where I think I deserve this or that from God.For the reality of the matter is,we are in a great controversy-a controversy of good and evil.This  controversy began as the result of disobedience to God's law and so whatever  trial we face,is as the result of it (excluding those we decide). And even if we go through them,it's for own good or for God's glory-either way.

I'm currently working in the pediatric orthopedic ward.The ward consists of children with problems with skeletomuscular system-legs,arms,spine etc.So,most patients have broken legs-through accidents.But some have been born with defects-such as rickets-and in their case,they are extreme.So,it's hard for some to even walk-some do not even walk.

A physiotherapist came to do some exercises with some little girl andshe asked her to bring her thighs together.It was really hard.The other leg is not even straight-so we have to carry her to her bed and down.It's actually sad.

Then there's a sweet,spirited boy.He has touched the atria and ventricles of my heart!He has hydrocephalus and his feet are facing inward.So,he cannot work..But he remains cheerful,loving, and is clever.We ended up being buddies-followed me around.I miss him :-(.

And so I'm thankful that I can be someone's feet
I'm thankful I can be someone's arm
Thankful that I do not have to be carried
And it's my prayer that my feet my carry the gospel,peace,love and more;instead of being quick to shed by blood.
How I pray my feet can do the work those that theweary ones cannot do

May we ever realize how thankful we ought to be!

(The pics are more or less what I get to see in the ward I'm working in)

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

The Danger

There's great danger when we choose to willfully disobey God's servants just because we are NOT familiar with what they are presenting.

There may be a lot of reasons behind this attitude,but one may be the result of negligence by the church.

Sometimes,the church baptises people,without these people even having a thoroughly knowledge of God.Sometimes,these Bible studies are not finished,people are baptised,but the classes either do not resume or the members do not return.And we now have individuals who have problems with the Spirit of Prophecy.

Then,because of this,we end up misrepresenting God,since we are NOT studying the testimonies.

So,here's my PLEA

-Do not get baptised,when you know there are still certain concepts you don't understand.Or you are likely to be satan's instrument in watering God's counsel.

-When you decide to get baptised,make sure that you accept SOP and you read it-as it expands a lot of our beliefs as the church.

Doing so,will save you from sinning and pointing at those who live according to the Bible and SOP as heretics/extremists.

In fact,SOP says, "when Seventh Day Adventists live according to God's commands,the world will call them straightlaced""(paraphrased)

When you read SOP,which is in line with the Bible,you will actually  realize,you are still the same as the world.

Our safety at this point in time is through a conscious decision to live according to God's word and every light we know.And continually seeking to know God's will.What the masses do,does not matter.For I'm learning,you are either going to try and blend,when you're too focused on others and their approval or you will get lost.

It's sad that indeed "there's nothing new under the sky" and we may be walking in the same footsteps of Jews-who persecuted God's servants and called them heretics-when in actual truth-they upheld God and His Word.

Let us take heed,it's easy to be a persecutor,especially when the truth is only a theoretical knowledge-not loved and not applied.

EQUALITY,Where are thou?Repost!


Hurting on behalf of my older sister

Is color more superior than one's life?

Is color more superior than one's basic needs?

If things were turned around,how would that feel?

Must one never enjoy peace,safety,God's ideal,because of his/her skin color?




How Many Sparrows Are There?

We only bought this house because there were no rentals here. It looks like there are no rentals in the country... For some people.
I'm thinking if we wanted to live in Gugulethu or Langa, we'd not be going through what we're going through. Instead, silly little me wants to live outside Malmesbury, or in Philadelphia, or Tierfontein or Darling.
So what do you start assuming when an agent tells you that a house is not worth viewing because you have to enter through the scullery? And why doesn't she respond back when you tell her that you enter through the scullery in the current house you own so it's no big deal? 
What must you assume when they start to make arrangements for a viewing, but when you say your name is Thandi, they write to tell you the house has been taken? What do you do when they say they'll call you back to make an appointment but never do? Or they tell you they will quickly call their tenants to find a suitable time and a month later, after you've even called and texted, tenant is allegedly not giving them a time?
What is it like to think, "Hmm, should I take my husband's cooler-looking car so it's easier to see we can afford it?"
I have taken to traveling with my husband's payslip, just to prove to them-if it ever gets that far-that we're able to afford it. Hey, our money's the same colour. It's never gotten that far. No-one has ever picked us. Though to be fair, maybe the Darling agent might have picked us but the timing was wrong. And the one smallholding place might have also taken us but we couldn't take it. (Not safe for babies.)
What do you do when some don't respond at all? Do you follow up, or leave it? Or what if they respond like this? (Emphasis mine)
"Hi Thandi
Thank you for your enquiry.  At the moment the owner of the property has overseas friends in the house that is staying until the end of April 2016 but may extend their stay in SA.
I will let you know when the property becomes available again.
Kind regards
Elsa Dauth | Rental Agent | NQF4
218 Main Road, Paarl, Western Cape, 7646
Tel: +27 (21) 8711480 Fax: +27 (21) 8724848 Cell: +27 (71) 3032340"

So, the property is not available till MAYBE end of April. But I should wait for her to tell me once these friends decide if they're staying or not.

And yet the ad stayed up. What do you do as the weeks go by and still the ad is on their website? No change in info. No change to the occupation date, that says "immediate."

 What do you do? You ask your white friend to call them to ask about it.

Then she calls you back.

And tells you, "I think it's bad news."

And she tells you what you suspected but didn't want to believe, because it means even the appointment you made for tomorrow might very well be useless. After all, you made sure you didn't give your name. But as soon as she sees you, the game would be over and all you'd have is an empty fuel tank.

She tells you that the agent said THE HOUSE IS AVAILABLE. And that tomorrow she wouldn't be in the office, but Thursday morning at ten am, they could go view it.

The property is available. April has only just begun.

As that sank in, I started to cry.

It's one thing to rejoice that I'm leaving this place but I might not actually find another place to move to. I'm either going to be homeless, or move to a place we don't want to move to, just out of desperation.

All we want is to live in the country. All we've ever wished for, prayed for, longed for, was land that we could call ours. Land in a quiet place, no pollution, no noisy neighbours. Just me and my children during the day planting our fruits and vegetables while trying to balance homeschool and two crazy babies.

Is this what Penny Sparrow did to potential clients? Did she lie to them too if their names were Ntombi, Zodwa or Thandi?

May this day hasten:

Isaiah 65:21-22New International Version (NIV)

21 They will build houses and dwell in them;
    they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
22 No longer will they build houses and others live in them,
    or plant and others eat.
For as the days of a tree,
    so will be the days of my people;
my chosen ones will long enjoy
    the work of their hands.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

THIS is not RIGHT!What happened to equality,regardless of lifestyle choices?

South African Government has finally buckled to pressure from the SA Meat Association to impose a tax on all vegan and vegetarian food.
Caxton Central | April 1, 2016  

Vegans and vegetarians around South Africa will have to pay a little more to buy their products at supermarkets. This is after the South African government buckled to the pressure from Pro-Meat Activist Group, SA Meat Association (SAMA) to impose a 4 percent tax on all products that are gluten free and do not contain any animal by-products. These products include organic quinoa flour, chickpeas, avocado, lentils, kale, miso, zucchini, coconut aminos, chia seeds, flax seeds, Ener-G and hemp.

SAMA claimed that during the current drought, food prices have gone up for almost every South African while vegans and vegetarians have enjoyed the luxury of low prices for products (mostly imported) that cater to them. Spokesperson of SAMA, Marise Witherspoon told media “It’s about time vegans and vegetarians felt the same pinch as meat eaters because while animals in farms are dying of starvation and drought, they choose to eat the same food we could be feeding to the animals. If they care so much about the animals, why do they eat the animal’s food?”

The South African government has welcomed the motion after Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan announced new taxes on sugar and other products in February this year during his budget speech. Gordhan spoke about the importance of imposing tax on products deemed harmful to the consumers or that simply do not contribute to the economy.

A spokesperson from the Nutritional Food Solutions Advisory Board, Thandiswa Ranaka said that they oppose this decision because it will affect food prices for vegetables and grains, which non-vegetarians also eat.

“South Africa was ranked second in the world for deaths related to sugary drinks – below only Mexico in a study. While this is alarming, the amount of diseases caused by eating meat is far worse and this vegetarian tax will affect all South Africans,” she said.

The tax will be implemented on 1 May and supermarkets countrywide are beginning to adjust their prices but consumers in the Western Cape, which has the highest concentration of vegans, are especially up in arms.

Vegan housewife Daniella Thomas from Constantia couldn’t believe the decision. “I think it is really irresponsible and undemocratic to impose such a tax on us because we already pay a lot of money to live this vegan lifestyle. My husband, kids and even pets are vegan so this very bad news for our family. It is clear the government doesn’t love animals or us.”

Monday, 4 April 2016

A consistent Christian walk

This thought has been on mind for some time.How does one walk with God daily?How does one walk with God for more than a decade,and still have a closer relationship with God?How did Enoch stay close to God for three hundred years?My mind cannot even grasp the concept of three hundred years.

But my proposal is this:the only way we can continue to have a relationship with God that is solid,is by CONSCIOUSLY,CHOOSING God daily.It's not by luck or chance that Jesus was able to abide in God from childhood till the end of His mission on earth.He faced temptation to spend some time doing something that will not benefit Him spiritually;but He chose God instead.

I believe it's about the choices.If you want to be close to God,then choose Him daily!Of course,there are other aspects,like including Him in everything we do-but if we do not make the choice to have Him in our lives daily,then there's no point.

How often,have we had a great experience with God one day,and the next we're defeated?It's because let go to easy.We decide otherwise.We choose the earthly ove Him.We choose the company of friend over spending time with Him.We choose to dwell on frivolous themes that could have been replaced in Bible reading or prayer or even sharing Him.

It all lies in or choices.

Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...