Tuesday 26 April 2016

Let me say this....

Since I'm not very good at keeping quiet when something is not RIGHT.I think I've kept quiet for long,since I thought it's not my business.But I'm learning that,if one's salvation is at stake then it becomes my problem.I've watched sisters fall and the only question left was,"where was I?''. As far as it's possible,I don't want to be guilty of anyone's blood,especially those who are my sisters and brothers.

See,the devil is really redoubling his efforts to  make sure we do not live wholly for Christ,we do not give ourselves fully to God and he does all he can distract us from reality,which is,probation may close at any time and we need to let go of sin now.He does this in many ways,but of late,he's using relationships.Lately,my brothers and sisters get into relationships haphazardly-without these relationships clearly defined.It's just feelings and a few principles upheld,then the relationship starts.God not consulted,no elderly person involved,no vision for it.

What gets me?The fact that my dear brothers are not manly enough to actually be honest at the first go:that they'd like to pursue a sister.Now my sisters have to go around in circles trying to figure out what's really happening.And at the end of the day,the relationship is still not clear.May this be clear:It is no right to have the benefits of a courtship when the relationship is not clearly defined.

What's worse,I see my beloved sisters battling with the question,"what are we?".It is irresponsible to call out the affections of someone when you are not willing to pursue a relationship that will lead to marriage.It's as if,many want to have someone fill a position of a future spouse,while in reality,they know they will not even marry the individual.

And to my sisters :

Can we actually start valuing our salvation and relationship with God more seriously?I really understand that some of you would like to marry.But this does not mean we must start being careless with the giving of our affections.I say this in love and sincerity-not out of a judgemental tone. It seems to me that,we are so quick of doing things-getting into relationships specifically,when we have not sincerely sought God's will.In most cases,we enter into relationship because we 'feel'.Passions and feelings are consulted instead of God,His Word,and the testimonies.Or we choose to consult Him when the decision has been made.

Moreover,we get into relationships while we haven't figured who we are,what we want in life,what God would have us do.We enter into relationship while we're not ripe emotionally,mentally,and spiritually.And at the end,we ruin others and ourselves.

I believe it's high time for us to choose what God wants,not what we think we need.Many in the past have chosen their will over God's,and the world we live in is proof of what happens when mankind choose his will without aligning it with God's will.I think we need to stop making excuses like "I was young", "I wasn't thinking" etc.Josiah was just young yet he could lead a nation.We cannot keep making choices that are not inspired by God while we claim to be his children.

God "needs" us,He needs the WHOLE OF US.If we  have these baggages we carry,we hinder our growth spiritually and the work of God.By entering into pre-mature relationships,only unnecessary stress results and this is not how God would have it.Let's leave the work of matchmaking to God and give oursleves wholly to Him.

P.S:Of late I write a lot about relationships mainly because they are the ones that eat away the spiritually of most youth and due to lessons learnt.With that said,God's Word,the testimonies,godly counselors are ones to consult NOT MY BLOG :).

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