Wednesday 6 April 2016

The Danger

There's great danger when we choose to willfully disobey God's servants just because we are NOT familiar with what they are presenting.

There may be a lot of reasons behind this attitude,but one may be the result of negligence by the church.

Sometimes,the church baptises people,without these people even having a thoroughly knowledge of God.Sometimes,these Bible studies are not finished,people are baptised,but the classes either do not resume or the members do not return.And we now have individuals who have problems with the Spirit of Prophecy.

Then,because of this,we end up misrepresenting God,since we are NOT studying the testimonies.

So,here's my PLEA

-Do not get baptised,when you know there are still certain concepts you don't understand.Or you are likely to be satan's instrument in watering God's counsel.

-When you decide to get baptised,make sure that you accept SOP and you read it-as it expands a lot of our beliefs as the church.

Doing so,will save you from sinning and pointing at those who live according to the Bible and SOP as heretics/extremists.

In fact,SOP says, "when Seventh Day Adventists live according to God's commands,the world will call them straightlaced""(paraphrased)

When you read SOP,which is in line with the Bible,you will actually  realize,you are still the same as the world.

Our safety at this point in time is through a conscious decision to live according to God's word and every light we know.And continually seeking to know God's will.What the masses do,does not matter.For I'm learning,you are either going to try and blend,when you're too focused on others and their approval or you will get lost.

It's sad that indeed "there's nothing new under the sky" and we may be walking in the same footsteps of Jews-who persecuted God's servants and called them heretics-when in actual truth-they upheld God and His Word.

Let us take heed,it's easy to be a persecutor,especially when the truth is only a theoretical knowledge-not loved and not applied.

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