Monday 5 September 2016

Journeying through the book of Numbers:Rebellion in Leadership,Part 2

(Based on Numbers 16)

Just a quick summary: A man named Korah who was part of the ministry in the tabernancle became disatisfied like Lucifer was in heaven.He then influence Dathan and Abiram to join him.His stirred people against Moses and Aaron,claiming Aaron had appointed himself as a priest and they also had the right to the position.He wanted to become one too.God,upon seeing this,could not tolerate such rebellion against His appointed leaders and told Moses that they should all come to make an offering to see whose will be accepted.So,250 men came,including Aaron.And through such disobedience,God opened up the earth to swallow Korah and his family.The 250 men were also killed because of their rebellion.But it did not stop there,some of the congregation also accused Moses of killing these men.So,14 700 were also killed.

Just a quick background of who Korah was before I share the lessons I've learnt or what stood out for me.

"Korah, the leading spirit in this movement, was a Levite, of the family of Kohath, and a cousin of Moses; he was a man of ability and influence. Though appointed to the service of the tabernacle, he had become dissatisfied with his position and aspired to the dignity of the priesthood. The bestowal upon Aaron and his house of the priestly office, which had formerly devolved upon the first-born son of every family, had given rise to jealousy and dissatisfaction, and for some time Korah had been secretly opposing the authority of Moses and Aaron, though he had not ventured upon any open act of rebellion. He finally conceived the bold design of overthrowing both the civil and the religious authority. He did not fail to find sympathizers. Close to the tents of Korah and the Kohathites, on the south side of the tabernacle, was the encampment of the tribe of Reuben, the tents of Dathan and Abiram, two princes of this tribe, being near that of Korah. These princes readily joined in his ambitious schemes. Being descendants from the eldest son of Jacob, they claimed that the civil authority belonged to them, and they determined to divide with Korah the honors of the priesthood."-Patriarchs and Prophets,chapter 35,page 395

  • When you read the entire chapter in Patriarchs and Prophets you will learn that Korah was inspired by Satan himself.Like Satan,he became dissatisfied with the position he had and wanted more.We see this prevalent even in these last days.I think it's important that as Christians we realize that it is God who appoints leaders.So,whenever we manifest jealousy or rebellion towards them,we are actually rebelling against God."In the rebellion of Korah is seen the working out, upon a narrower stage, of the same spirit that led to the rebellion of Satan in heaven. It was pride and ambition that prompted Lucifer to complain of the government of God, and to seek the overthrow of the order which had been established in heaven. Since his fall it has been his object to infuse the same spirit of envy and discontent, the same ambition for position and honor, into the minds of men. He thus worked upon the minds of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, to arouse the desire for self-exaltation and excite envy, distrust, and rebellion. Satan caused them to reject God as their leader, by rejecting the men of God's appointment. Yet while in their murmuring against Moses and Aaron they blasphemed God, they were so deluded as to think themselves righteous, and to regard those who had faithfully reproved their sins as actuated by Satan."-PP,p.403
  • Those who are truly appointed by God need not to fight for themselves.God will always fight for them.Moses and Aaron did not even try to talk about how deserving they are of their positions.Instead,they consulted God.As one in any leadership position,it's crucial to let God be your guide and let Him be the One that fights your battles-whether in the workplace,home,church etc.
  • Esteeming others better than yourself is the way to go.I need God to help me in this regard.I find it so shocking that whenever God was to rightfully destroy those who rebelled,Moses will intercede for them.Instead of saying,"they deserve it";he always pleaded for their lives.This is a rebuke to me.We are sometimes quick to talk about people who deserve vengeance because of their evil.Now,I'm not saying we should condone evil-evil is evil.What I'm saying is,we should  cherish their conversion more than desiring their destruction.Are we praying for the racists to see their wrong?Are we praying for the rapist and hoping that he will come to truth or are we saying,they deserve to die since they are rapists?Something I need to reflect on myself.
  • Sin is deceitful.In these men being rebellious,the congregation saw nothing wrong with this.That's how deceitful sin is and this is how those that are in error operate:" To those who are in the wrong, and deserving of reproof, there is nothing more pleasing than to receive sympathy and praise."-PP,p.397.Which leads me to my next point:
  • Be careful who you sympathize with;as much as we are to sympathize with our brethren,we cannot continue to do so when they defy God's law.What would have happened if the congregation quickly dealt with Korah and showed him that he was in error?I'm sure many would have been saved.
  • When we support those in error,salvation of many is at stake.Many died in their sins because of their support for Korah and his associates.

"It is by sinful indulgence that men give Satan access to their minds, and they go from one stage of wickedness to another. The rejection of light darkens the mind and hardens the heart, so that it is easier for them to take the next step in sin and to reject still clearer light, until at last their habits of wrongdoing become fixed. Sin ceases to appear sinful to them. He who faithfully preaches God's word, thereby condemning their sins, too often incurs their hatred. Unwilling to endure the pain and sacrifice necessary to reform, they turn upon the Lord's servant and denounce his reproofs as uncalled for and severe. Like Korah, they declare that the people are not at fault; it is the reprover that causes all the trouble. And soothing their consciences with this deception, the jealous and disaffected combine to sow discord in the church and weaken the hands of those who would build it up.
Every advance made by those whom God has called to lead in His work has excited suspicion; every act has been misrepresented by the jealous and faultfinding. Thus it was in the time of Luther, of the Wesleys and other reformers. Thus it is today."-Patriarchs and Prophets,p.404

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