Wednesday 21 September 2016

Reflections continued

Reflection # 13:Communication is a skill that is necessary for survival-each one of us must possess it

I learnt this last week.An incident occured where there was a misunderstanding between I and a certain pharmacist.It was me who failed to communicate everything well and the whole issue got a bit out of hand.But thankfully someone intervened and it was sorted.I have learnt that we need not be afraid to ask until something makes sense.I often leave things hanging or vague-this ought not to be.Or it just causes difficulties and many unneccesary misunderstanding.Praying that I'll develop this skill.

Reflection #14:Do it to please God and because you want to;NOT for a thank you

Ever been in a situation where you did something for someone and you waited for that person to notice it and could't wait to get your thank you?I've been in these situations-self is subtle believe me.But I have since learnt that we should do things out of love,out of genuineness;not because we want to seem like 'good' people.Also,considering the fact that God even weighs our motives,pretense is just a waste of time.Better not do it;if it's not coming from a good place.

We are counselled:"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."-Colossians 3:23

Reflection # 15: Be willing to listen

Over the past few months,I've learnt that I talk a lot when I speak about my convictions-whether it's something God has been teaching me,or something that was impressed upon my heart.But I've also learnt that I need to listen.There are 2 sisters that are on the same wavelength with me when it comes to spiritual things and we often get so excited that we want to talk at the same time LOL.But I've learnt we should never speak for the sake of speaking .It's dangerous to speak for the sake of wanting to seem spiritual when you don't mean it.What then happens is someone saying powerful things while the actions do not agree.

Reflection # 16: Surround yourself with people who strive for excellency-academically,spiritually etc.

I personally choose study partners and friends on this criteria.It makes me a better person.As I grow,especially academically,I detest mediocrity.I cannot stand individuals who want to copy or put on little effort and so I am ever willing to  help these individuals to understand;but I'm not willing to support this behaviour.I'm sorry,that's me-and will always be.

Reflection # 17: Don't give in to your urges-appetite-wise/ any other.

Learnt this lesson the hard way this past month.I would spend money carelessly and then by the time month end was approaching,it would seem like I've never had any money.  


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