Saturday 4 April 2015


We live in a world that associates love with feelings and as something that cannot be explained,and sadly as I continued to let the world define love I got it all wrong.I associated love with roses and chocolate and picnic outings.But true love is way deeper than that.Love,true love gets meaning from its author-God."He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love;for love is of God.".{1 John 4:8 ; 1 John 4:7}.So,it is only when we behold God and as we read His word that we are then able to understand the concept of love,not by watching romantic movies,reading romantic novels and listening to secular love songs.

One of the traits of love include:seeketh not her own,rejoiceth not in iniquity (1 Corinthians 135,6) and it does not harm to others ( Romans 13:11).With this in mind,I have been guilty of tempting my brothers and often this is a respoinse that those who are immodest decide to give:they should control their eyes.But can we honestly say we are loving,when we lead our brothers to sin?If we truly love,even our brothers, we will refrain from buying that which will enhance our physical attributes such as tight dresses and clothing that shows our thighs,legs while leading our brothers to temptation.We will express our love to them by deciding not to do that will harm them i.e impure thoughts as the result of our dressing.

Not only in dress but in conduct also,which is a rebuke to me.If we truly love our brothers,we will not by our words mislead them to do or say that which is displeasing to God.We should always seek to ennoble and influence them for good.If we are responsible for them falling into sin,we are no better than Cain who killed his brother because we are killing them as well.If we desire to be women and wives who have an ennobling influence to the society and their husband,we need to start NOW.

Some men have fallen into sexual sin because the women initiated such and have sought to entagle young men,whom God could have used for the good of mankind.Let us refuse the devil's offer to harm our brothers.Not only do we fail to practically love our brothers but we fail to love our sisters.How many times has a sister poured her heart to us and instead of offering godly advice,we have clapped and smiled?If we truly love our friends or sisters,we will not encourage them in wrongdoing.

I have seen how we have encouraged our friends to wear that which is displeasing to God and to get into relationships that are displeasing to God.Not only have we done this,we even keep quiet.If we truly love,not only will we be concerned about our OWN salvation but that of our brothers and sisters as well.We will always be mindful of the influence we have upon them and we will refrain from saying or doing that which will not benefit them.And it won't happen instantly,but as we co-operate with God and we learn to think before uttering words,we will get there.God is also helping me in this area.


"Let us love in words and in action"

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