Saturday 4 April 2015

Who are you reflecting?

Before becoming a Christian I had a struggle inside me.I desired to do God's will but I fell so many times and I just gave up.Even after I accepted Him I still struggled. It has recently dawned on me that:we can only reflect Christ as we spend time with him.So many of us have a deep yearning for holiness and to reflect Christ's image,but UNTIL we turn away from every device that makes void the law of God,we will continue to struggle.

I have seen it in my life.By beholding we become changed.The more time I spent reading romantic novels, the more I started to daydream and fantasize,hence it was easy to date without God's approval.I loved magazines so much that I knew a lot of celebs and I imagined the day I could start earning money so I could start dressing like them,but this dream was realized before I even started earning.I bought my minis and heels and I felt out of this world.

It was later on that I learnt that which you feast your eyes on and ears on,you will begin to reflect.The reason nakedness is so common is because people are always beholding those that are naked-in TV and in magazines etc.And the reality is:the more you see it,the more it will dwell in your mind,the more you think about it,you will then act it out.And so it is with our spirituality.The more we read about Jesus,the more we will think of Him and in the end we will be able to reflect Him.

So,let us shun all that is not "true,just,pure and of good report" .And the word of God determines what is true,for Jesus says,"sanctify them by your word,thy word is truth.".If we want the humility of Jesus,we need to refrain from watching/reading/listening to that which exalts pride and the pride of life.

If we want to be meek women with a quiet spirit then we cannot esteem those in movies or in the world as the standard.But it is only in learning about the women in the Bible and those in our history who have stood for Christ that we can be godly women.It is only when we focus our attention to God's word and allow the Holy Spirit to mold us,can we then be feminine.Only by associating and learning from women after God's own heart can we be transformed.

And remember:"For with God nothing shall be impossible"(Luke 1:37).

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