Saturday 5 March 2016

Thankful for Friday

Friday the 4th was an interesting day but I'm filled with gratitude as I look back.But before sharing what I'm grateful about,I need to share this "weird" experience I had.So out of nowhere,a beautiful girl appears and asks for my picture.Reluctant,I ask her why.She then tells me it's for a school project, then I agree.She asks me about my happy moments and sad moments.And I had so many happy moments that I did not know which one to choose.And I had a few sad moments-I recalled things I had seen in the hospital-an elderly patient with a 4th stage bedsore and the little child with respiratory problems.A neighbor brought him and she had to leave him there since she was from out of Cape Town.

Honestly,this just made me realize how grateful I ought to be.Why it's weird?Because I've watched a lot of crime investigations so I start thinking weird things.But I've stopped,so it's alright now.

As I look at my life,there has been a few disappointments here and there,but they don't count for sad moments-they just fall under "lessons learnt".Honestly,I don't have anything to complain about because God has really been with me through it all-He is my beloved and He is faithful!

Then,I went to buy some fruit for Sabbath lunch around 5,the sun was still up.I get to the shop to buy something.Then someone distracted me and I  ended up breaking a bottle.My cerebrum literally stopped for a few seconds-I think there was no action potential.But then I went to tell one lady who works there.Inside,I just told God that I was not really willing to pay for what I broke as that was the coming week's busfare :(.Then the lady said it's okay.Man,I'm sure the valves,atria,and ventricles on my heart were jumping up and down and flipping open and close!Which brings another thought as I'm writing this:This is exactly what happened to us:we sinned,we couldn't pay the penalty and Jesus said:"it's alright I'll pay the price".But does that mean I  should go around breaking things in the store just because I  didn't pay for the bottle I  broke?Alas! I'm filled with such gratitude that  I am not willing to do any wrong.The gratitude brings such carefulness.So it is with sin and grace.

One other thing that melted my heart,an elderly lady gave me her place on the queue since I only had a few things to pay for.Oops,thoughts keep dropping by as I write:It brings to mind what Christ did,taking my place so I can be free from bondage of sin,while He suffers in my place.The old lady decided to give me her time.

So that was my beautiful friday.I must say,I think a lot!All these lessons the Holy Spirit impressed upon me right now.I sometimes start a post thinking I'm going to cover a certain topic and I end up writing something totally different or not writing at all.

All in All,I'm grateful to God who moves upon people's hearts so that I may write and share these moments :)

Grateful to have God who sees me through each and everyday.He is my strength!

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