Tuesday 29 March 2016

The prolem with the generation I live in

I think we've created an environment where we make people feel ashamed of things they should not be ashamed of.I mean,why should someone feel ashamed that they live in a shack,his father/mother is uneducated,they are still not fluent in English?There's nothing to be ashamed of in these thing.

I mean,why should I be ashamed of something I cannot change and I had not choice in?Why should someone be ashamed his mother/father abandoned them?I think we're creating a culture where it's hard to be real and to talk about  painful experiences because we'll be looked down on or whatever.

On the other hand,we've also created a culture whereby we congratulate people for sinning.Isn't it sad,that as a Christian,I can condone someone's indulging in sin-when I know for a fact God disapproves and they will only get harmed in the end?Nowadays,people smile and clap hands when their teenage sisters post pics of themselves doing wrong and they want to get shocked when the fruits manifest.

So,I personally refuse to be in either.I refuse to keep quiet about sin;because NOT only does God call me to say something,I also refuse to partake in it.So,I'm afraid I won't smile while my sister takes the path that leads to gnashing of teeth.I'll pray,counsel,fast if need be!

And it's my duty to make others be comfortable enough to be free without feeling scared that, if i get to know their background,I'll desert them.I want to be home to someone.I don't want people to feel any less when they meet me.I know what it feels like to be undermined-looked at and have people conclude.And I refuse to do the same.

I refuse because of Jesus.He loves EVERYONE.He loves the man who's sleeping on the street in Claremont.
He loves the girl who's pregnant.
He loves the guy who has one eye,because he got stabbed.
He loves those who've lost one limb or more because of violence or themselves as cause
He loves the woman who cannot read
He loves the man who cannot read English because he never had a chance to go to school
He loves the foreigner who keeps moving from place to place

And who am I to make life difficult?In fact,I choose to love,regardless of the person's background.
I choose to see God's children and candidates for Heaven.


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