Wednesday 12 September 2018

Birthday Reflections

16. It's really worth the wait

Waiting isn't really a nice process. It barely is.You keep wondering about the 'when' and the 'how' it will finally happen. Sometimes waiting can make you distracted and end up missing out on enjoying the present. But waiting on the Lord makes all the difference in the world. It's really worth it. I've tested it & proven it!

1. Around mid-year, I was praying about something I really needed. I could see it would really make a big difference in my life & even concluded that it'd really help me towards future plans. I even made promises to God about how I'd do A,B, & C! How naive of me! After all, 'our promises are like ropes of sand'. Anyway I didn't get what I wanted.
But I got something way better. It's good for my growth as a person & it's given me a chance to pursue what I really love - writing. It's given me the opportunity to interact with different people too. I really enjoy what I do.

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. ~Psalm 62:5

 Wait upon God. Lean upon Him in entire dependence; for His everlasting arms will sustain you. He who says that not a sparrow falls to the ground without the notice of the heavenly Father will care for those who love and trust Him. Jesus knows every throb of pain, every throe of anguish and distress, and He will give His children grace to endure the afflictions that He permits to come upon them. His heart beats in sympathy with suffering humanity and those who suffer most have most of His pity and sympathy.~Published in Signs of the Times, February 28, 1906.

15. A NO from God is better than a 'yes' from the enemy

2. I desperately wanted to attend something. I was so confident that I'd have money then. But when the time  came, money wasn't there. I wasn't disappointed but I just wondered how everything would've turned out. Let's just say my heavenly Father who foresees things from afar was protecting me. How can I repay Him?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful article! "A No from God is better a yes from the enemy." That cut deep. There is something I have been waiting eagerly for since 2017 and it hasn't come yet. So encouraged to wait a little bit more. Thank you ways Mercy, God bless. ♥️♥️


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