Friday 28 September 2018


1.I am grateful for my immediate family ☺️! The Lord has arranged things in such a way that I get to spend most of my time with my parents and I must say, I'm growing fond of them!

A shout out to my mom who's my right hand, the doer of amazing things, the one who strengthens me when flesh fails (Of course she knows these sentiments!).

A hello to my dad who's teaching me patience LOL and who judges me for being 'African' just because I prefer to watch things that have to do with people of my skin colour. Lol! He's spoiling and scolding too. An African fathers' disorder maybe? Lol!

My twin, my manga-manga business, such a wonderful soul to be around. I thank God for the friendship we share and I am thankful that he enjoys my company. He told me some months ago that he wanted to offload and  he felt he could speak to me. I was chuffed man!

2. Thankful for the kids I teach and don't teach at church. Last Sabbath afternoon there were only 4 kids (the Adventurers had gone to a camp) and we just spent the afternoon together. They were reflecting about the week and it felt good just listening to their genuine stories. Man, I love these kids! One even allowed me to lay my head over her lap. It doesn't get better than this!

3. I'm thankful for real, meaningful, face-to-face relationships! So heart warming and beautiful.

4. The lessons God is teaching me and the conversations we have.

5. For well-thought, meaningful articles and the ability and appetite to read!

6. For scars that are healing.

7. And for the Sabbath! Sjoe, exhaustion makes you appreciate the Sabbath. It's more than that!

And many more things I'll share next time.

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Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...