Tuesday 25 August 2015

Confidence IN Christ

We live in a society that encourages boldness and confidence and believing in ourselves.But my confidence doesn't lie in myself,because I'm weak.I'm afraid that while believing in my own capabilities,I'll become boastful and too trustful of myself,to the extent that I take God's glory.

Looking back,I really hated public speaking in high school-whether it be presenting or reading in front of people,it just made me nervous.I preferred writing and I concluded that speaking in front of people wasn't for me.

Fast forward to 2015,I get to Uni and I had to do 8 presentations in first semester.You can imagine my night mare.I dreaded these-felt like I wasn't an "extrovert',wasn't eloquent enough" etc.The more I looked at my own strength,the more I felt defeated.

Then God reminded me to place my confidence in Him because he's not weak.He taught me to look at Him,instead of placing my confidence on myself and it's been great :).I'm now aware that I'm just a vessel-so I'm no longer scared of making mistakes.It's no longer about "what if I forget the word  in English" or what not.This has enabled to remember it's not about me,but about God-even when presenting school work.Working with God is humbling :).

Sad thing is,some many times we focus on our weaknesses and fear and we end up making excuses.We end up saying things like: "I'm shy",'i'm scared","I'm not like so and so".But I've come to realise that we need to focus on God and what He is able to accomplish to do through us.We need not to end at our weaknesses;we need to then give God the go-ahead since we are only vessels.We need to place our weaknesses in Him.Satan uses our weaknesses to make us stumbling blocks to the salvation of others.Often,we'll hear God commanding us to speak with someone,but we'd let fear of rejection to get in the way-Jesus faced it way back.

On other side,we face a danger of trusting too much of ourselves.After all,"every good gift comes from the Lord".Our confidence and boldness must be in Christ and NOT in ourselves.

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