Sunday 9 August 2015

Lessons learnt from Yesterday’s seminar:

Our worth as women originates from Christ alone.Our price is far more than rubies and nothing in this world can measure up.When we understand this,we will NOT feel the need to measure to the world’s standard about what true beauty is nor will we need to be validated by our outward appearance,relationships and material possessions.

We are all created uniquely by God.No one is the same and God loves individuality.When we understand this:we will not feel the need to compare ourselves or try to copy one another.God has made only one you.Accept yourself as you.The Christian woman doesn’t need to fit a particular box:sanguines,melancholics,phlegmatics etc,we are all precious to God.One thing that we should all possess is the character of Christ-this is the ONLY thing that should be the same in each one of us,but we still need to maintain who we are.

Reformation originates with God.When God is the motivating factor for every reform then we won’t substitute reforms in the place of true godliness.When we reform because we love God and we want to please Him,we will not think highly of ourselves.Without Christ reformation loses it’s purpose and when we reform for the sake of fitting in we are following the same pattern as the Pharisees-“to worship God with our lips” while our hearts are far from Him.

To be “meek and quiet” doesn’t mean:timid,insecure,shy,anti-social;but it means we realise that we are weaker vessels and we are feeble and we find our confidence in the Lord.We are bold in Christ and not in ourselves.We depend on Him to be equipped and when we understand this:self will die and we will not find excuses like “what will people say” because we understand we are just vessels.
When we find our security and worth in Christ,then it will be easy for us sisters to get along without being judgemental towards each other.And sadly this is one of the Devil’s attacks against us women.We need to stop criticizing and start realising that we are all sinners and none is perfect.Thus,it will be easier for us to strengthen each other along this journey.We need the love of Christ.If we cannot get along here on earth,which heaven are you going to?

God desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us.He desires us to know Him personally for ourselves and He has blessed us with His Spirit to counsel us;but sadly we sometimes replace the Holy Spirit with mentors/bfs.As much as there’s nothing wrong with seeking knowledge,the Holy Spirit is the One who is qualified to teach us because he "searcheth the deep things of God”.You don’t need to ask bf/mentor for an understanding of the Scriptures.God has given each one of us the privilege to know His Word and to understand it for ourselves through His Spirit.

Obsession with marriage is one of the Devil’s attacks against Christian women.Many have lost their usefulness because they spend all their time pondering on this matter-building castles.But this is not how God would have it.God has a calling for every women-regardless of them being married/not.In fact,if while SINGLE,you cannot share the good news and work for God,what’s going to change when you’re married?Marriage doesn’t enable us to adhere to God’s is through surrender and willingness that we are equipped to fulfill our calling.

There’s also an obsession with being the Proverbs 31 woman.Nothing wrong with such.But the problem is idolizing her traits without being deeply rooted in God and without having the fear of the Lord.What enables the proverbs 31 to possess such is because she loves God.What’s the point of being good at making patties,when Christ and the love of God doesn’t dwell in the heart?The Christ within us is the one that will bring about all the good qualities.Inwardly then outwardly.
Outward reformation is NOT a replacement for the righteousness of Christ.We need the character of Christ.It is what will fit us for Heaven.The outward should reflect the inside.

Marriage DOES NOT complete anyone.We first need to be complete in God before we can enter into it.The reason there’s so much pain in marriages and a rise in divorce is because many have replaced God with His ordinances.”We have abandoned the Lord and hewn for ourselves broken cisterns”.Completion is not found in the ordinances of God but in Him.

“Reserve and calm” doesn’t mean cold formalism towards our brothers-it means we refrain from all “attention seeking schemes” and refrain from flirting.For some time I really struggled with this concept-I thought I shouldn’t even smile or laugh with my brothers.But this shouldn’t be.It only means we shouldn’t be stumbling blocks nor should the conversations centre on us.No flirting whatsoever.

A woman of God wakes up very early,like Jesus did so that she can receive counsel from God’s Word,so that when she meets various people she can minister for each one.
We should be like apples that are on top,not the ones on the sideways and the floor-because these are touched by everyone and discarded afterwards.But for a brother to reach the apple on top he must work hard and He must first counsel with the Lord.

Our words are to be a savour unto life;our speech is to be always "seasoned with grace" and what we speak should be in line with our actions.

Jesus is the ONLY standard for Christians and for the Christian woman.We sometimes tend to idolize women who we esteem higher than ourselves so much that we start copying them and trying to please them.This shouldn't be.

All in All,people should mistake for Jesus!

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