Friday 28 August 2015


I’ve been thinking a lot about the soon coming of our Lord and the state of the church.As much as we must individually prepare so that we are ready for the soon coming crisis and Christ’s return,I can’t help but wonder if the church is really preparing God’s people for the crisis and is helping them to be ready.
I look at things like AWM,Pathfinders and Adventures.

I personally don’t see their purposes.Take AWM for instance.Every time people come back from AWM meetings they’ll start saying:dress reform is not crucial;it’s okay to show what you have and make-up is there to enhance our beauty.

I’ve also found many who point at AWM leaders and start saying there’s nothing wrong with having female pastors;while the word of God is clear about it.Instead of yearly conferences,why not go about sharing the Good News,feeding and clothing the less fortunate?

You look at Adventures and Pathfinders.I remember there was an adventurer’s event this year in Cape Town and the children were competing against each other.Can we say that God was part of it,since he condemns competition?I looked at the kids competing but I couldn’t help wondering: “If Jesus came today,will these precious souls be ready”? in fact,when they go to mini-fairs do they come back with an understanding of who God is?The minds of children can understand spiritual truths,but little is done for them spiritually
My concern is always about those who don’t have parents in the church.I mean,the goal should be to get these precious little souls to have a relationship with God so that they accept Him for themselves.
You go to Pathfinders:are they really being equipped to live in these last days?Up until now,I still don’t understand the purpose of knots,etc.Shouldn’t they be taught how to be independent from the world?Why not teach them how to garden,sew,crotchet so that they are less dependent on the government.If we this dependent on shops for everything,won’t it be difficult to not yield to the mark of the beast?

If we could grow our own food,sew etc it would be easier to adhere to God’s conditions and more time would be spent in useful labour and there’ll be more time to share the truth?Why not prepare a generation of young people that will lead others to the truth.But if Pathfinder fairs occur in a jolly,frivolous manner,whereby the young do not see the urgency of Christ’s return,How will they be made ready?

You also look at music festivals-they turn into choir competition and God is not in sight.I remember how people were walking up and down in God’s presence,how much noise there was etc.The whole thing brought excitement-focus turned to the voices and choirs,instead of drawing people to God.

"Peace,Peace" is all that's being encouraged.It seems as if we don't even believe the message of Christ's return.You compare the seriousness around 1840 and now and there's huge difference.

May God help us wake us from our slumbed,from our Laodicean church 

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