Friday 22 May 2015


As I ponder deeply on the calling of motherhood, I realise:

-Being fertile doesn’t qualify one to be a mother, as it’s a calling from God.
-The salvation of her children depends to a large extent on her.

“The mother must keep her mind refreshed and stored with the promises and blessings of God’s Word, and also the forbidden things, that when her children do wrong she may present as a reproof the words of God, and show them how they are grieving the Spirit of God. Teach them that the approbation and smiles of Jesus are of greater value than the praise or flattery or approval of the most wealthy, the most exalted, the most learned of the earth. Lead them to Jesus Christ day by day, lovingly, tenderly, earnestly. You must not allow anything to come between you and this great work.”2The Review and Herald, April 14, 1885. /Child Guidance, page 41

“The mother must ever stand pre-eminent in this work of training the children; while grave and important duties rest upon the father, the mother, by almost constant association with her children, especially during their tender years, must always be their special instructor and companion.”14Pacific Health Journal, January, 1890. /Child Guidance, page 24
If we, as ladies, do not enjoy reading our Bibles now, how will we then be equipped to be mothers?


  1. Thank you for that last quote. Recently I was exposed to a new-to-me so called christian parenthood method that I like to label 'guiding parenthood'. Guiding parents are encouraged to 'guide' their children rather than instruct them.
    The basis of this whole argument is that God does not controls us and parents ought to portray the character of God in their homes. Sure, that sounds fancy, new-age and logical enough- but somehow I never quite felt comfortable with the whole concept of guiding parenthood. Children can't be expected to make decisions based on their idea of what is right or wrong because most children, especially those younger in age, do not know what profitable for them and what is not. I for one know that I would have gone through my childhood never eaten vegetables if my mother was that liberal to allow me to choose whether or not I wanted to eat the beetroot on my plate.

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  3. Yho,that's the devil's doctrine hey.Proverbs 22:6 is clear that parents musr "train up" the children.Like God instructs,so should the parents do.It's not even biblical.Thanks for sharing sis:).

  4. "The children are not to be indulged and allowed to think that they can follow their own desires without asking the advice of their parents....

    From the rules that God has given for the guidance of parents and children, there can be no sinless swerving. God expects parents to give their children a training that is in accordance with the principles of His Word. Faith and works are to be combined. Everything that is done in the home life and in the school life must be done decently and in order."-Child Guidance,p66


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