Monday 18 May 2015

To my younger sisters and older ones :)

1.Beauty is not defined by the shape of your body and the legnth of your hair or the way a certain clothing item fits you.Beauty is deeper-it comes with allowing Christ to mold us.

2.Your worth can never be defined by anything you have-but by what God has done for you,sending Jesus to die for you!Stop feeling sorry for yourself because you never went to that school,you don't have that dress,or you not YET where you thought you'd be in 5 years time.You still matter to God and that's all that counts.

3.Taking care of your health and exercising is the most precious gift you can give yourself.And God expects you to-your body is His temple and it must be kept in optimum health.

4.The attention that males give/don't give you doesn't determine your worth.Relax!Males shouldn't find it easy to say improper things to you.

5.When relating with your brothers in Christ:be mindful not to be a stumbling block to them and treat them as though they were married.

6.A relationship doesn't complete-only God can.After all,it is the potter who can mend a broken dish,isn't it?

7.Accept your body as it is.No need to compare yourself with celebs-you are princess in God's eyes.

8.If you want to be a virtous woman:Spend time in prayer,Bible study and serving :).

9.Choose your friends wisely-if you want to make it to heaven,choose like-minded people.

10.Kindness makes you more beautiful.I personally need God to help me in this area.

11.Life is NOT a competition!Don't waste your time comparing yourself with other girls-you are precious in God's sight.

12.Take time to reflect and to ask for strength for improvement in areas where you lack.

13.Instead of spending hours taking selfies,use the time to improve in a certain skill-whether it be reading,spelling,cooking.

14.Let's ask God to give us a submissive spirit,so that we may accept His role for us;which excludes being an elder or pastor,ACCORDING to His Word.

15.Gossip displeases God.

16.The influence of a woman is rarely in the pulpit-it's in her facial express,her words,her dress,in EVERYTHING and she is the most influential being.

17.Waiting on the Lord is worth it and trust him with every area of your life:your dress,your relationships,your hairstyle.That's how involved God wants to be in your life.

18.Let's love each other as sisters,pray for each other and encourage each other in the Christian walk.I personally believe they'd be less pregnancies,back-slidding,hate,dissensions if we counselled with each other-moreover,sought counsel from God and in His word.

19.Let's love in deeds:it is not loving to encourage a sister to move forward with a man who's not of the same religion as her.Let's stop celebrating sin.

20.Jesus is the ultimate best friend,before even your female bff.

21.Be your mother's helper-this will strengthen your bond :)

22.Befriend older,godly women-they are full of counsel. 

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