Friday 6 March 2015

I'm inlove...

with my Human Biology lecturer :-)!!!I can't remember the last time I got excited about a subject because one who's teaching it is good-ok,about 3 years ago .She just has a way of teaching the human body in a way that is understandable and makes one more fascinated.You think Math is complicated?Human Biology is quite complex!But my lecturer just makes it neat and less complicated,by grouping everything together.

What makes her more good is her examples and her demonstrations.For example;for the skeleton she often uses a student to demonstrate what she's talking about;by the time you get to the practical you have an idea.I love the fact that she always tries to make you understand and she does everything with humility.She also is close to us-she's a doctor yet it doesn't make you feel inferior to her.Not only does she teach well but she even advises us and motivates us.

And because of her,the way I understand God is different.I now know that God is great, more than I can comprehend and my belief system is stamped just by learning about the human body.I just know there's no way the big bang could have created humans!And that's what teaching should be about-making a student fall in love with subject more everyday and doing all  you can to help the student get the concept!


Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...