Friday 27 March 2015

You are NOT your OWN,you BELONG to God

The Department of education has confirmed: In 2014 twenty thousand(20 000) girls in primary and high  school fell pregnant and this is really heart breaking.

With that said,I believe to solve the problem we have to start from the root.We are to understand that we DO NOT belong to ourselves and we are not our own.God created us for his own glory and he has a say with regards to everything including our bodies.God is not only concerned with the heart but with everything that we do,because He seeks our own good.

And he has set commandments to ensure our happiness comes first.One says,"do not steal" and the other is, "refrain from fornication".When you engage in fornication,you are stealing what is not yours because you do not have the right .It is marriage that gives the right to engage in this.So,we dishonor God when we engage in such activities when unmarried.

God knew that marriage provides security for children. Even though children who grow up from single headed homes are no different to those coming from homes with both parents,they are still affected.For example: each parent plays a role in the development of the child.Personally, having come from a single parent headed home,marriage is not something I really yearn for because I fear it's not for me but God can change such.

There are other factors that contribute to increased sexual behavior amongst young people.The music,movies,ads are sexually infested to the extent that it is rare to find any programme on TV that upholds sexual purity.So,we need to guard what we see,hear,say and think.

The food we eat also has a role:most foods-mostly dairy products and meat have growth hormones,which increases the rate of sexual development in the young children.So,its better to refrain from such foods.Parents have a big role to play.They need to talk to their children about these issues;to teach their children to fear God from a young age.As young women and men we need to be role models to our younger sisters and brothers.The church also has a role to play.Back at home,we decided as young ladies to mentor the young girls,letting them know what God expects from them,find out what challenges they face,offer advice etc.

For some:they fall pregnant because they are sexually abused and sadly they do not speak due to fear.

But I believe young girls need to have dreams and they should not allow anything to come between them and their dreams.Self-respect goes along way too:you will not allow yourself to be a field where everyone practises on.You deserve better!

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