Monday 2 March 2015

Don't stay on the ground

There's been times when I've fallen to sin and I'd feel so discouraged and ashamed.But what keeps me going is knowing I have an advocate who  is 'able to cleanse from all unrighteousness' and extends the invitation to me,saying,"confess your sins"(1 John 1:9).

So,even if you've fallen into the sin of harbouring evil feelings towards others,or you've fallen into fornication or you've stolen or you're struggling with an addiction,God is able.There is NO habit that God can not take us away from,even if it's a sexual sin,pornography,or drugs.In fact,Jesus died to save us 'from our sins'-meaning he died so that we can be free from the bondage of sin.So,bring your sin to Him-even if it's 'red as a scarlet' because He is able to make you 'white as snow'.

It's not plain-sailing but it is possile because 'what is impossible with man,is possible with God.' Last year,I had a problem with TV-as I spent the whole year at home and I didn't have much to do away from the house.Initially,I'd go to the library everyday or I'd stay in 'my' room.But after sometime,I fell.It got bad to the extent where I'd watch TV till the early hours of morning.I'd even miss my devotion and fail to do Sabbath preparations in time.

I prayed and I made a decided choice to not  ever watch TV.And guess what?I happen to stay in a room with a TV set and a roommate who's very fond of TV.At first I'd watch it,but there will be something that would clash with God's principles-so I ended up hating it.Now,I cannot stand watching TV and I feel sad on behalf of those who watch it.Yes,it passes time;but not in anything resourceful(but ofcourse national geographic is resourceful).Instead,you end up having to fight over impure thoughts or images you've seen.And I thank God for helping me.

I can go on counting other things the Lord has helped me to let go off-like secular music etc.My point is,God is already willing to help us from our sinful ways;it all depends on us.We have to make a decided change not to sin again.To avoid situations that will place us in the same sin.

Get up,Jesus is still your advocate!Ask for forgiveness and leave the sin today.Jesus told the adulterous woman to 'go and sin no more'.The reason Jesus commanded it is because He knew it's do-able and she(we) could do it.And nowhere in the Bible do we find an account of her caught in sin again.

Jesus is able to do the same for us,he is able to present us "spotless and without blemish" only as we work together with him and we make a decided effort not to give in;only as we subject every thought,word,action to God's will.

"His biddings are enablings!"

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