Monday 2 March 2015

Modesty,from a different angle

I really had a blessed Sabbath,mainly because of the message God had prepared for me.It was a cutting message,which has made me pray even harder because I see my shortcomings.But overall I was blessed!

The afternoon session dealt with dress reform;but I love how the speaker made it clear that modesty encompasses our behaviour as well.He defined it as "the reserve that should exist between the opposite sexes".He said there should be love between us but boundaries should be there as well.I learnt that males should not feel comfortable with saying what they want,touching me,or making improper comments.

These are some of the other strategies you may use to reserve your dignity:
-Males should not visit your room,unless they bring along a sister
-Don't hug the opposite sex
-Avoid late chats with the opposite sex

I also avoid calling males for NO particular reason-I'd rather send a text if it's serious.

And you can also put yours.All in all,the idea is to avoid things getting overboard to the extent where sin is involved.He also mentioned something that I've believed for a year now;Avoid being too close to a male,to the point where you can't go a day without him or you share everything with him.He also went to say,we are to avoid settings where we fall of a guy;especially a guy who doesn't even have the interest of being in a relationship that will lead to marriage.

All in all,females should get along with males;but the relationships should honor God and nothing impure should come from the conversation we have.

It's not that easy because sometimes you think you are just being 'friendly'.But I'm learning that we can still have fulfilling relationships-sharing the word and ways to grow in Christianity without developing feelings;hence we need to guard ourselves.

Secondly,he touched on dress reform.We learnt that dress reform is there for health reasons and is there to remove the temptation that the males face.It also means that you respect yourself and by your dress,you want to please God.Also,we have a responsibility of being our brother's keepers-since they are visual beings-get easily attracted by sight.

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