Wednesday 4 March 2015

In Awe

As I listen to the lecturer explaining the 3 types of muscles found in the human body,I cannot  help but be fascinated.The way the cardiac muscle allows the heart to pump blood involuntarily amazes me-but I know,God is in charge;the way the bladder is able to release urine involuntary via the smooth muscle just proves to me,there's a higher power.

When I think of the fact that my body works in congruence,all  the 11 systems; from the atom,to the molecule,to the organelle,to the cell,to the tissue,to the organ,to the organ system maintaining the functions of my body and maintaining life-I know my existence is not by accident or by chance.

When I think about the fact that my body has a feedback system(negative feeback),which cools my body off when it's hot and brings about activities to get my body warm when it's cold- I know that I'm cared for and I do not need God to be the pillar by day and fire by night.

The way my muscles are able to flex,extend,rotate without any difficulties and how my bones,ligaments are all joined  I know this can't be pure luck.The thought that my body is made of 206 bones and my body is divided into the axial and the appendicular skeleton makes me realize I was created and my Creator did not rush or do a lousy job.

When I think of how I am able to stand upright without falling off,how my vertebral column is able to support me,how my rib cage(or ribs) are attached to the sternum(true ribs) with my false ribs never falling off,I know a higher power is control and no man could've thought of this.

The thought that I'm not a see- through(cannot see my internal environment) amazes me.I'm amazed about how my intergumentary system covers me up and this confirms :I'm not meant to be naked.And as I consider how my body has decectors to detect change I know there's a God who's concerned about my well-being.

The fact that my central nervous system is able to communicate with the entire body is a mesage that my body is communicating to me,that I need to communicate and have a relationship with the Maker of this body.The fact that we cannot see how certain processes take place,since they are hidden to the human eye,yet they occur reminds me:I do not have to see God to believe in his existence.

And so I go on to think about minute structures to the largest and how I'm able to function,I know:God is behind everything and like David,I can only say:

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