Wednesday 18 March 2015

Newton's first law of motion

Newton's first law of motion states:

An object will continue in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless an external force acts on it.

This tells me, nothing happens by chance in life.There is always a reason even if we do not know it.We are all involved in a great controversy between good and evil, between God and the devil.Whatever occurs can be traced back to God or Satan.But God out of His love gives us the choice to counteract the force, the freedom of choice.

It is not by chance that we are alive,nor is it luck or determined by the universe.It is because God created each one of us and it because of His goodness that we are alive.It is also not by chance that we exist in a sinful world.God did not create us to suffer torment and pain but it can all be traced to the devil-the cause of all pain and the originator of sin.It was God's desire for mankind to live eternally and in constant communion with him.Hence He said,"be fruitful and multiply."

But there was a condition and mankind was given the choice to choose to obey or disobey,but sadly through the influence of the devil men disobeyed and the state of the world is the result of disobedience.But God did not leave men to die eternally but he offered a part of the Godhead to die for us,so that we can be restored to God's original ideal for mankind-to live eternally in submission to God's will.Thus,the fate of mankind is not a lost cause.Eternal life is freely given to those who accept the conditions.

And so :life is not by chance and we are not on earth to reproduce,eat,work and die off to never live again.God has prepared a better life for each one of us but itis through accepting this gift and living by God's law that we can be fitted for this life.God has given this life so that we may prepare for the life he has prepared for us.We are on this earth for a higher purpose:to break the chains of evil,to live as Christ lived and share this plan God has to others who look at life at a bleak view.

There is a PURPOSE for your existence.

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