Friday, 27 February 2015

Jesus:Our Best Friend

Our High Calling : Page 55

50. Jesus Our Best Friend

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother . Prov. 18:24.
How few are constantly beholding the unseen Guest, realizing that He is at their right hand! How many ignore His presence! Did we treat others as we treat Jesus, what discourtesy it would be thought!
Suppose a friend were with us, and we should meet an acquaintance on the way and direct our whole attention to our new-found acquaintance, ignoring the presence of our friend, what opinion would men have of our loyalty to our friend, of our degree of respect to him? And yet this is the way we treat Jesus. We forget that He is our companion. We engage in conversation, and never mention His name. . . . We talk of worldly business matters, and where it does not bruise the soul, where it is essential, we do not dishonor Jesus, but we do dishonor Him when we fail to mention Him in our intercourse with our friends and associates. He is our best friend, and we should seek for opportunities to speak of Him. . . . We should ever keep Him in view. Our conversation should be of a character that would be of no offense to God.
I know that in many hearts the inquiry arises, "Where shall I find Jesus?" There are many who want His presence, want His love and His light; but they know not where to look for Him for whom their hearts yearn. And yet Jesus does not hide Himself away; no one need search for Him in vain. "Behold," He says, "I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Rev. 3:20. Jesus invites us to accept His presence; we are to open the door of the heart, and let Him in. But He will not share a divided heart. If it be given to the service of mammon, if selfishness and pride fill its chambers, there will be no room for the heavenly Guest; He will not take up His abode with us until the soul-temple has been emptied and cleansed. Yet there is no need of making a failure in the Christian life. Jesus is waiting to do a great work for us, and all heaven is interested in our salvation.

The life of Jesus:Our example

Our High Calling : Page 59

54. In Love with Christ

For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens . Heb. 7:26.
The character of Christ was one of unexampled excellence, embracing everything pure, true, lovely, and of good report. We have no knowledge of His ever visiting a party of pleasure or a dance hall, and yet He was the perfection of grace and courtly bearing. Christ was no novice; He was distinguished for the high intellectual powers He possessed even in the morning of His life. His youth was not wasted in indolence, neither was it wasted in sensual pleasure, self-indulgence, or frittered away in things of no profit. Not one of His hours from childhood to manhood was misspent, none were misappropriated. . . .
Jesus was sinless and had no dread of the consequences of sin. With this exception His condition was as yours. You have not a difficulty that did not press with equal weight upon Him, not a sorrow that His heart has not experienced. His feelings could be hurt with neglect, with indifference of professed friends, as easily as yours. Is your path thorny? Christ's was so in a tenfold sense. Are you distressed? So was He. How well fitted was Christ to be an example! . . .
The Inspired Record says of Him: "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." Luke 2:52. As He grew in years He grew in knowledge. He lived temperately; His precious hours were not wasted in dissipating pleasures. He had a truly healthy body and true powers of mind. The physical and mental powers could be expanded and developed as yours or any other youth's. The Word of God was His study, as it should be yours.
Take Jesus as your standard. Imitate His life. Fall in love with His character. Walk as Christ walked. A new spring will be given to your intellectual faculties, a large scope to your thoughts, when you bring your powers into vigorous contact with eternal things which are intrinsically grand and great.

Thursday, 26 February 2015


I'm really grateful to God and to those who are committed to following God's will.

A year ago,I did not even know what a godly marriage looked like.I did not know that the wife was meant to be the home-keeper and the man a leader and a provider.Until I came across__,____,___ and  the Nebblett family (image below).They really inspire me.

I didn't know it is possible to have a heaven on earth!I did not even know there were families that served God together as a whole!

I'm grateful to those who share what they've learnt in their Christian journey and are not ashamed to live for God!

Grateful for those who are pursuing holiness.

Grateful to those who always counsel me

and grateful for the gift of life!


God allows us to go through failure-so that we can be where we should be to do what will prepare us for our calling.He sometimes allows us not to be considered for anything,even though we qualify,so that we can be where He wants us to be-but most importantly,where we want to be-even though we do not know yet.

Sometimes,God gives us opportunities and we mess them up.Then we want to blame him.But He is not to blame.God has blessed each one of us with a brain,but he leaves the choice to us on how to use it.He will sometimes  grant you an opportunity to obtain an educationn but He will not study for you.

Even though God gives opportunities,he leaves it up to us to decide what we do with them.Sometimes we do not work hard at succeeding and when we fail we want to ask "Where is God"?The only time we should ask where is God,is when we have done all that we can to succeed.God works with our efforts.If we do not work hard,we will not accomplish much.

This analogy also applies spirituality.God,out his love,has given us the gift of free will-which means He cannot make decisions for us:all He does is to guide us.Furthermore,it is God's desire that we may all be holy-but He has left us with a role to do.As much as God has given us strength to overcome,he has left it upto us to apply effort and work hand in hand with him to overcome sin.

Thus,we can conclude:failure/success is determined by our actions and the effort we put in.Same as it is with our salvation-as much as salvation is free,we have a role to play.And we can only blame ourselves for not making it to heaven.

God has given all-even the life of his son-Jesus,to ensure we make it to heaven.He has given us the Holy Spirit,His Word,the testimony(Spirit of Prophecy) to know what we ought to do to make it to heaven.

You decide if you want failure or success
and it is up to you,if you want to be in Heaven.


Over the past years,relationships have become overrated.There's this obsession with knowing who's in a relationship and in being one.But I do not understand why.I, who knows what it's like be single and having friends who are single,makes me want to exalt singlehood as opposed to relationships.

Singlehood is one of the happiest times of one's life-not to say being in a relationship isn't.Being single means you are not accountable to anyone and you do not need to check upon this other person.You are able to make quick decisons,without having to consider the next person.You get to do what you want with your time without the fear that your partner would feel neglected.

Financially,you spend less.Not having airtime/data bundles does not matter much.And you are able to join many interesting things:like missionaries and other societies at church because you have so much time.Also,you don't feel accountable for someone's happiness-although we are not really acountable but being in a relationship means you determine the person's well-being.E.g someone might be moody because her bf promised to do something and he didn't.

1 Corinthians 7 gives the most crucial point:You can focus on your spiritual life and nothing else.You don't have any distractions!

All in all,you are not missing out.And I personally believe love should find you when you least expect it.When you have the obsession of being in a relationship,you are likely to miss on an opportunity to develop and to know yourself more.I could go and on and on.Just enjoy it and enjoy your walk with God.


One thing my mom has always told me is to not rush to the marriage altar and I concur!She has always told me to do everything I want to accomplish before settling in as I might not have the opportunity once I'm settled-not to say marriage is a barrier to achieving one's dreams.I now understand her point.Marriage goes with its duties and carrying an extra load will make marriage difficult or circumstances beyond our control may occur which will be a hindrance.

The sad reality is:the media  presents the mother as someone who can balance work,education and motherhood.But Biblically-is this right?I've learnt that mothers are to be home-keepers(Titus 2:5).I learnt this year that,even without the kids,the wife needs to run the home.

I've  met quite a few mothers who are actually studying at Uni.But I cannot help but worry because they are not doing their duty well.The kids are neglected and the husband is not well-taken care of.One married friend of mine mentioned how she is busy that her husband complained that he was hungry!I'm not judging her nor do I know the reasons behind her choice to study,but I do know-she is neglecting her higher calling.

And my advice to those who want to get married soon is:consider whether you've accomplished all your dreams and consider all the other things you'd want to do,that will prevent you from your marital duties.Also taking into consideration your kids-what will be their end?Will they be spiritually fit for heaven,when you have neglected your duty?

I've come to this conclusion for myself: if I cannot do my duties as a married woman and a mother,I have no business getting married.If I want car before marriage-then I'll not marry till I get it.
My point is:use the time you have to accomplish all you want so that you do not end up resenting your husband and your children from keeping you away from your accomplishments,while you had the time.If he cannot wait,then let him go.No use getting into something when you have not made the right prepations for it.

Or you might consider not having kids,so that you can do that which will not hinder you from being a good wife.Or you can consider distance learning.But then again I doubt if they offer such for practical courses like nursing,pharmacy etc.Even in colleges,it takes much time.

We are told the husband of the Proverbs 31 trusts in his wife-I believe he knows that when his wife is around,he will be taken care of.

Don't rush!Even if I get married at 30(but I hope I'll be in heaven by then) I don't mind-as long as I will give my all to my marriage.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The differences between men and women-Part 1

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Importance of Personal Bible Study

Our High Calling : Page 37

32. Storing the Mind with Truth

That which I see not teach thou me: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more . Job 34:32.
Take your Bible and present yourself before your heavenly Father, saying, "Enlighten me; teach me what is truth." The Lord will regard your prayer, and the Holy Spirit will impress the truth upon your soul. In searching the Scriptures for yourself, you will become established in the faith. It is of the greatest importance that you continually search the Scriptures, storing the mind with the Word of God, for you may be separated from the companionship of Christians, and placed where you will not have the privilege of meeting with the children of God. You need the treasures of God's Word hidden in your heart, that when opposition comes upon you, you may bring everything to the Scriptures. . . .
We are living in the last days, when error of a most deceptive character is accepted and believed, while truth is discarded. Many are drifting into darkness and infidelity, picking flaws with the Bible, bringing in superstitious inventions, unscriptural theories, and speculations of vain philosophy; but it is the duty of everyone to seek a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.
Truth is efficient only as it is carried out in practical life. If the Word of God condemns some habit you have indulged, a feeling you have cherished, a spirit you have manifested, turn not from the Word of God, but turn away from the evil of your doings, and let Jesus cleanse and sanctify your heart. Confess your faults, and forsake them.
Do not merely assent to the truth, and fail to be a doer of the words of Christ. The truth must be applied to self; it must bring men and women who receive it to the Rock, that they may fall upon the Rock and be broken. Then Jesus can mold and fashion their characters after His own divine character. If we would listen to His voice, we must let silence reign in the heart. The clamors of self, its pretensions, its lusts, must be rebuked, and we must put on the robe of humility, and take our place as humble learners in the school of Christ.


- To treat others with respect and kindness
-To be on time for my lectures
-To always speak the truth,no matter the consequences
-To clean after myself
-To live in a clean environment
-To help those in need
-To respect those in authority
-To be faithful in my duties
-To share with those who are less fortunate
-To share the good news
-To keep the 10 commandments
-To do everything with seriousness and with the same effort I'd apply in something more vital
-To study my books and read the Bible
-To eat healthy
And to consider God in every decision I take

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Elisabeth:The wife of Zaccharias anf the mother of John


In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron. Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly.~Luke 1:5-6

From the above passage,we get an idea of what marriage should be and the state of those entering into the marriage relation.Both individuals should be holy and both individuals should have good standing BEFORE God;not in the records of the church.

Further on,I am certain that Elisabeth was holy or pursued holiness even before entering the marriage relation.Manier times,when we think of marriage we have these ideals that are not even a priority.Marriage is God's institution for the salvation of mankind and you do not prepare for marriage when you enter it,but before you enter it.

It is crucial to think about the kind of homes we would like to have and work on becoming the individuals we want to be (holy,home-maker,helper,missionary etc) now.So,instead of daydreaming,the main aim we should have:is to have homes that are a reflection of the heavenly home.

Thus,we should practise holiness daily!


But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old.

What I've gathered about Elisabeth is that:her obedience to God was not determined by the circumstance she was in.Even though she was childless she still continued to live a life that is pleasing to God.

Question:Is your obedience to God determined by what you have/do not have?Do you obey God more readily when everything is going according to plan?Is your devotion to God based on how you feel?

What determines your obedience to God?Is it love for him?

Monday, 23 February 2015


Last year I spent the whole year at home and so I attended my home church.As I read the Bible and learnt new things from SOP I wished there was a female I could share these with on a face-to-face basis and even if I could get a mentor.So,I kept praying for one.And I did meet one dear friend who is like-minded but she lived far.

Not that there aren't godly women in my church but you know how it sometimes hard to maintain a godly conversation with most females and distractions.Plus I wanted someone who dressed accordingly and I've always wanted someone who knows better than me.

Fast forward to 2015,God grants my prayer.I met her a week before last.I had seen her on a sister's facebook page and I somehow had the desire to meet her. And I did.The minute she opened her mouth,she only spoke words of comfort,and her behaviour and dress were intune with Bible priciples-which makes me more excited. 

It's my first time meeting someone who is meek,kind,reserved,wise-(who is the same age/around the same age as me) and all that the Bible speaks about.Her mouth always speaks words of counsel.I love how you can see that she lives what she speaks.

It's easy to quote SOP and the Bible,while you have no relationship with God.With her it's different.She's not loud/proud.She's reverent.You can tell that she fears and loves the Lord.I'm in awe as I think of her.Everytime I speak with her I develop the strong desire to sit at the feet of Jesus.I've decided that I'll just listen when she speaks and meditate on the words she shares.

She just makes me want to be more like Jesus and I just pray that God keeps her here,so that I can draw more wisdom from her!It's rare to find such people in this day and age.Yes,they are spiritual;but you'll realize they are not eager to adhere to certain principles.

How I pray that when I open my mouth,every word I speak will be carefully selected.Every word spoken will honor Christ and be a word spoken in season.How I just pray that my Christianity will draw others to Christ.

You know she doesn't need to joke,or jest because every word she speaks is a healing balm.I'm really motivated!I know that God is able to make me "meek,reserved,calm,kind,reverend" and all that He would have me become.

I just want speak that which I live.

I should ask her to become my mentor :)!

*As I learn

It hurts...

When those who were walking in the narrow way fall along the way  or fall into a certain sin.You start to wonder,did I not pray enough  for my brethren or was I not there for them?It hurts even more when it is those who were growing in the Lord.All you can do is pray and mourn for them.

Sometimes,you don't know if words of encouragement will make a change.You don't even know where to start.And at the end of the day you realize,even if you did all there is to do,you cannot coerce people to obey God nor can you prevent them from sinning.

But to a certain extent:I can't help but think there's more that we can do:we can have Bible study groups and prayer bands.I really wish we can have love that helps uplift one another,to share our struggle and advise each other based on God's word.And I wish older women can really take their position to guide the young women,especially those who are the only adventists in their homes.

It hurts and all you can do is pray and hope that they will get up and continue their walk with the Lord.


Shiphrah and Puah:Choose God's way,EVEN if it means losing everything

(Based on Exodus 1)

Just a quick summary:The story takes place in Egypt after Joseph and the generation after his had died.A new king rose to the office named Pharoah.And he observed that the Israelites(God's people) were multiplying and he concluded they might turn against them if a war were to take place.So he ordered 2 midwives,Shiphrah and Puah,to kill all the male infants that were born.

And this is said about the midwives:"But the midwives feared God,and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them,but saved the men children alive."~Exodus 1:17

I really commend these women for such faith and courage.Often,if you go against a person who has authority over you,you face the risk of losing everyhting,even your life.But because these women feared God the most,they did not care what happens to them.

As the story continues,we are told God took good care of them.

From the story,I've learnt that it is ALWAYS better to choose God's way above authories because God has the power to "destroy both body and soul".Meaning,how we live,determines whether we will get eternal life/eternal death.

Even in this day and age,God is looking for those who will choose His commandments above the traditions of men.God is looking for those who will according to a "thus saith the Lord" because "man shall not live by bread alone,but according to every word that comes from the mouth of God'."For not doers of the law are just before God,but the doers of the law shall be justified"(Romans 2:13)

In the end,God favoured these midwives for choosing his way.So,when God has commanded us not to do something and we adhere to His laws,he will not abandon us;but he will provide a way.This also serves as a lesson to us women that,we do not need to fill positions to make a change.Just by being obedient to God,we can change many lives.In this case,more children were born.

Choose God's way,even if it means you'll get rejected by your friends
Choose chastity,even if it means being called names and losing the one who 'claims' to love you
Choose to honor God's Sabbath,instead of a job that will seperate you from God
Choose to be different for God's sake,instead of trying to fit in and losing eternal life

In the end,you will receive a reward(Revelation 2:10-11 and 3:12):eternal life and many more.Is there anything better than living eternally in a sinless world,with the one who created you?

May God grant you and I  faith that is quick to obey,because "the just shall live by faith"

Soon,we'll be required to choose between God's way and obeying a man-made law (Rev 13).We'll have to choose between keeping God's true Sabbath or the false Sabbath (Sunday).What will you choose?

Friday, 20 February 2015

Learning to depend on God ENTIRELY,and on those He uses to provide for my needs


I am somewhat convinced that God is teaching me two major lessons this year:to depend on him entirely and to wait on Him!

So,Uni has just started and I still do not have everything I need for my schooling-textbooks etc;but most of them are online.So,I'm not lagging behind.But one thing I really needed was a labcoat for my practicals.Without a lab coat you cannot do your practicals and attendance is compulsory.I have two every week.

Last week I borrowed a labcoat from my flatmate and all went well.But this week I did not have the courage to borrow it-such things really don't come easy to me.This week I took a risk and went to my monday prac without one.I was told to wear it next time.Afternoon I wanted to practise what I had learnt in the lab session in the morning;but I was not allowed.

Wednesday came and still I did not borrow a lab coat.I went there  worried and all.But guess what?We were doing anatomical positions and directions,so the prac did not require any lab coats.Isn't God just wonderful?Just how things work on our favour at times?

So,today I attended my lectures for fundamentals of nursing and in this class we sit in groups.There's one lady I really get along with-married with kids:).Anyway,at the end of the lecture she asked about my labcoat situation.I told her I still didn't have the money to buy it,but I'll ask my flatmate to borrow me hers for this upcoming week.She then offers me money to buy it and tells me I do not have to pay her back.

I hesitated but I just had to accept.I could kiss her!I didn't believe this was happening-I thanked her profusely:).God bless her soul.And above all,I thank God for making means for what really stressed me.

I must say,I've never experienced such kindness from a stranger.I'm just touched by such and how I pray that when I work,or have money,I'll help those who are genuinely in need.

As I keep trusting!


Part 2:Mary-the mother of Jesus

(Based on Luke 1:39-56)

From the above passage,we come across 2 beautiful traits that every Christian(woman) should have:meekness and the spirit of gratitude/andpraise.


Mary had been chosen to carry Jesus-the Saviour in her womb.This did not make her to exalt herself to think that she was better than every other women.Instead,she humbled herself.

Even so with us:God has selected us as a "chosen generation,a royal priesthood";but this is not something to boast about.We are no better than the perishing sinner-it's only God's grace.Hence Paul says," May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."(Galatians 6:14).


Mary did not feel entitled to the position God had chosen for her-mother of Jesus.Instead,she thanked and praised the Lord for his goodness.

So should we.Our lives should express the gratitude we have for God's grace and for giving Jesus to die for us.Without the death of Jesus,we wouldn't exist.So,our conversation should praise him instead of complaining and gossipping.

God has chosen us to be co-labourers with him in the business of soul winning and instead of seeing this is a burden;we should do it humbly and with praise.

#As I learn

Thursday, 19 February 2015


Part 1:Mary-the mother of Jesus
(Based on Luke 1:26-38)
From the passage,we find a normal being(Mary) living in a sinful world-like ourselves,visited by an angel.This shows that God speaks to us,when we are in communion with him.He might not send an angel,but the Holy Spirit communicates with us and if we listen:he is able to direct our paths according to God's will.
From the passage above,Mary is defined as a virgin:and this is a lesson of how as women after God's will,we are to conduct ourselves.We must keep ourselves chaste and avoid fornication(1 Thessalonians 4:3;1 Corinthians 6:18).
Furthermore,we learn that Mary was not quick to speak.She carefully listened to what the angel said and how the angel greeted her.This teaches us that we need to listen carefully and think before we answer.In fact, we are called to be "discreet"(Titus 2:5);while James admonishes us,''wherefore my beloved brethren,let every man be swift to hear,SLOW to speak,slow to wrath''(James 1:19).
After the angel has communicated the message,she asks how things will turn out.This is a lesson to us as well,that when God has called us to something;let us ask him how he would have us go on about it.He can use the Holy Spirit to speak to us directly or he may reveal it through His Word(the bible) or in the testimonies(Spirit of Prophecy).
Again,we learn that Mary viewed herself as a servant of God and she fully comprehended her duty to God:"Behold,the handmaid of  the Lord;be it unto me according to thy word"(verse 38).When she was told she was to carry Jesus,she didn't oblige or think about what Joseph and people will say-but she obeyed at that instant-she didn't need to think about it.Even so with us.We need to be quick to  obey when God speaks to us.How many times has a message been preached,but we first need to be 'convinced' before doing it?God calls us to unconditional obedience.
When we are quick to obey,then we will be spiritually where God would have us to be.And reverse applies;if we delay obedience we are likely to be numb and end up not obeying.
It is my prayer that we will be willing vessels!

Little acts of kindness

Most of us have the idea that one needs money to express kindness,but this isn't true.You need nothing.I am learning that there are many ways to express kindness.For example:
If you are computer literate,you can offer to help those who are familiar with a computer.
-You can also teach young kids how to read,write,and calculate
-If you're a university student,you can print for someone who cannot afford prinitng credits
-You can visit the eldery people from your church or around where you stay,just to check on them
-You can help babysit/go clean for an old lady
-You can relieve a mother from church by looking after her children
-You can give away clothes you rarely wear
-You can explain a particular concept that your fellow student finds hard to understand
-Or just offer an ear to listen;and I could go on and on

So,not having money is NOT an excuse for not expressing kindness and doing good to others.

*As I learn

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


I've been thinking about motherhood a lot lately .It all started when I attended a Bible Study where they discuss the Adventist Home(book). At first,the thought of being a stay-at-home mother seemed too much for me....No,I was totally against it.I thought,'what's the use of studying,if it will all go to waste?';but then it was explained to me-the course that you choose should equip you to be the best mother and the best teacher to your children.

And I finally get why mothers need to be home-keepers and teach their own kids.And it's got me wondering:if a majority of mothers were home-makers and teaching their kids themselves(or not) will there be:a lot of teenage pregnancy,drug abuse,suicide,increase in HIV status and many other cruel things happening?Would abduction even occur?Okay it will occur-but not much.

It's now clear to me that one of the advantages of  being a stay-at-home mother is getting closer to your children.It's quite a rare thing amongst Africans/Xhosa people.As much as I can talk about anything with my mother-there are areas I am uncomfortable speaking about.And if matters had been different,I assume it would be easier to tell her personal things-not that I keep things from her.

I know for sure that I'd capable of quite of few things like:knitting,crochetting,cooking healthily and other domestic roles.If mothers were home keepers, it would be easier to confide in them and some decision might have been avoided because of the mother's presence.

As I look at it now,it's not much of a sacrifice-it only requires sacrifice and doing all you can for the salvation of your children.But then again,if it's not for you:you can decide to marry and not have children or not marry at all.

It's quite sad that as young women who ponder on marriage,motherhood is the last thing that comes to mind.

*As I learn!

Tuesday, 17 February 2015


”There is no such thing as innocent
TV programming. Subliminal advertising
has guaranteed that every viewer will be
influenced, with or without his consent or agreement. Satan’s messages are being communicated
even through the most innocent appearing
ads and commercials.” (Enemy at the gate,Joe Crews,page 24)

“A series of subliminal messages are hidden
or ‘disguised’ within a background sound of
music or waves. The messages are placed at
a slightly lower decibel level than that of the
music. The messages are then ‘piggy-backed’
into the listeners brain along with the music,
but without the listener’s awareness of having
received them. The messages are just below
conscious detection level.”-Mind Communication.Incorporated

“What can we say about Seventh-day Adventist
Christians who feed for hours at a
time upon the polluted, filthy double-talk
of soap operas and sitcoms? There is not a
tiny chance that they can love spiritual things
and carnal things at the same time. The Bible
says, “If any man love the world, the love of
the Father is not in him.” James 4:4. It is not
presumptuous or judgmental to say that those
people are not truly converted.”-Enemy at the gate,Joe Crews,page 25

”The Adventist stand on movies
appears a lost cause, with only a fifth of
our youth in harmony with it, and less than
half their parents supporting the traditional
view.... As to divorce, jewelry, and the movies,
our historical positions simply do not correspond
to our members’ general practice.”-The April,1985 Ministry Magazine

Thankful Wednesday: the good men that I cross paths with

I love my job because I get to meet people from different walks of life. There's been one elderly man who has become a father figure to...