Monday 9 February 2015


2 Timothy 2:15King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

This text has been on my mind lately,after I had observed certain things and had an encounter with a fellow student regarding the word of God.I have come to realize that,even among our own,we still do not understand what it means to study the word and I've been guilty and I'm still learning.

There is a class that is content with receiving the word of God from other people's mouths but they never study for themselves.Some people depend on Bible Studies.If there's no Bible Study,they choose those parts of the Bible which seem easy to understand,e.g Genesis to Deuteronomy.This does not mean these books are of less importance but they are easier to understand as compared to Revelation.

 Back to my point,some depend on pastors/and Christian authors to explain the Scriptures for them.But this should not be!

From the above text,we get the lesson that, everyone has the duty of studying the word of God;so that they may be "approved of God" and "needeth not to be ashamed".We study God's word so that we can know His will and so that we have a better understanding of what we believe in and are equipped to give an answer to anyone that asks.

It is also important to understand that,before we study the Bible:
-we need a meek,teachable spirit but most importantly,we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit.Hence,we need to pray before reading God's word.

So,as much as we differ in our understanding of the Bible,God has given us the Holy Spirit to teach us his word and not men.In fact,the Bible interprets itself,so it does not need an interpreter-it is not dependant on mankind.

Of course I'm not saying Bible Studies are wrong:but you need a thorough knowledge of God's word as a Christian.

You can use Bible concordance and study for a certain theme.Like,the state of the dead.You can even use google to search verses that speak about a particular theme,like love etc.
You can even use the church's fundamental books to guide you.

It is also vital to have a time to study your Bible.I usually prefer the morning.But I sometimes use the morning time to study the lesson,then in the evening I study a particular subject,e.g The Millenium.

We can all reach a level where we understand the word of God thoroughly through the help of the Holy Spirit.Plus,it is crucial to have a spirit that hungers after God's word so that you don't get discouraged along the way.

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