Tuesday 17 February 2015


I have come to realize that we can never be where God wants us to be spiritually if: we still spend endless hours watching Television, listening to secular music and reading certain materials; whether it’s novels, magazines or inappropriate statuses here on Facebook. We will never be spiritually uplifted if we still enjoy feeding our eyes and ears with impure things: such as adultery, fornication, nudity and offensive language.

If we can be honest with ourselves, we will realize that the soapies or movies will love to watch and the music we love so dearly (rnb, rap, house etc.) do not help our spiritual growth. Instead, movies harden our conscience to the voice of the Holy Spirit. They remove our attention from spiritual matters to things that do not matter.

Tell me: how does watching a romantic movie whereby unmarried individuals kiss and indulge in sexual intercourse help you to be pure? How does watching people steal/rob/lie/kill help you to keep the commandments of God? Instead of growing spiritually, such movies make us find arguments for justifying what is wrong. Not forgetting the endless hours we spend chatting on social networks in conversations that are not uplifting at all.

How does listening to music that is suggestive help us in our Christian walk? How does listening to love songs enhance our love for God, His Word and other people? Movies and secular music do not blend with Christianity. I challenge you to spend more time with God and see if there won’t be any difference.

Instead, these make us forget about the reality of the time we live in.We do not need comedy, movies, or filthy music to unwind. Instead, we should prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord,through confession of sin,prayer,bible study and witnessing. Romans 13:11 tells us,” do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.”

How are we going to be spiritually ready for Jesus’ coming when we do not know His will due to our lack of Bible Study? Studying the Bible is not browsing through the word, instead it is searching for ourselves what God says about certain doctrines and applying them in our lives. Can we honestly say, “If Jesus were to come today, he will find us pure and different from unbelievers”?

The reason people are not drawn to us is because: we are the same as them. We eat the same food and drink the same beverages, we dress the same way and we speak in the same manner. If we were serious Christians, all that we speak would be uplifting, comforting and true.

Manier times God has provided opportunities for us to minister to others but because we pray little and read the Bible without seriousness, souls perish and are not brought to the knowledge of God.

God is looking for consistent Christians. Christians who will be serious about him irregardless of the season, irregardless of what new fashion is out there. Some of us are serious when there’s no entertainment to keep us busy, but as new movies are released and as we make more friends, God takes a back sit.

We are too busy for God-who’s always there for us. Some of us seem like serious Christians but we cannot even give God 2 hours out of the 24hours He has given us. How then, will we live in heaven, if we do not cherish his presence here on earth? God is calling for committed Christians!

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