Tuesday 17 February 2015


”There is no such thing as innocent
TV programming. Subliminal advertising
has guaranteed that every viewer will be
influenced, with or without his consent or agreement. Satan’s messages are being communicated
even through the most innocent appearing
ads and commercials.” (Enemy at the gate,Joe Crews,page 24)

“A series of subliminal messages are hidden
or ‘disguised’ within a background sound of
music or waves. The messages are placed at
a slightly lower decibel level than that of the
music. The messages are then ‘piggy-backed’
into the listeners brain along with the music,
but without the listener’s awareness of having
received them. The messages are just below
conscious detection level.”-Mind Communication.Incorporated

“What can we say about Seventh-day Adventist
Christians who feed for hours at a
time upon the polluted, filthy double-talk
of soap operas and sitcoms? There is not a
tiny chance that they can love spiritual things
and carnal things at the same time. The Bible
says, “If any man love the world, the love of
the Father is not in him.” James 4:4. It is not
presumptuous or judgmental to say that those
people are not truly converted.”-Enemy at the gate,Joe Crews,page 25

”The Adventist stand on movies
appears a lost cause, with only a fifth of
our youth in harmony with it, and less than
half their parents supporting the traditional
view.... As to divorce, jewelry, and the movies,
our historical positions simply do not correspond
to our members’ general practice.”-The April,1985 Ministry Magazine

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