Wednesday 4 February 2015


Disclaimer:I'm not married nor am I a marriage counsellor.The information below has come about through observation and studying and includes some of the misconceptions I had.

Many,because they've never been loved by both parents or fathers mainly often have the idea that marriage/relationships will mend their broken-hearts and fill those spaces in their hearts.But believe me,they never will,because only God can mend our hearts,complete us and He loves to infinity-no one will ever love us like Him (Jeremiah 31:3,John 3:16,Colossians 2:10).

Furthermore,as ladies we often see marriage as one sided ; many of us are of the idea that marriage will fulfill our needs and it is a fairytale.But marriage is dual-it's more of what you can do to serve and bring happiness to the other person.

Some,are of the idea that their MAIN purpose of living is getting married-Nay!This is the duty of each one of us:"Fear God,and keep his commandments:for this is the whole duty of man."~Ecclesiastes 12:13

Others are of the idea that because it is the duty of the husband to provide (1 Timothy 5:8),they can lazy around and they should not study or be able to earn an income for themselves.

Others are of the idea that marriage will make them spiritually well and it will change them for the better.Many marry thinking that marriage will tame them but sadly this is not the case.Only God can change us into better people (2 Corinthians 5:17) and it is not wise for one to enter marriage without pursuing godliness/surrendered to God wholly.Marriage helps in making us grow into perfection but salvation is an individual thing (Philippians 2:12).

Some think marriage or a relationship will make them dignified man/woman,but not so!Godliness is not gained through a relationship status but by the working of the Spirit within us and abiding by God's commandments.   

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