Tuesday 2 June 2015

Christianity in daily living

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,do it all to the glory of God"-1Corinthians 10:31.This passage is inclusive of our behaviour in the home.

I remember my younger days when I found myself grumbling if my mom asked me to do something and always asking her to tell my brother.It's by God's grace I'm here and we happen to have a blessed relationship,where we pray with and for each other.And I consider her my friend :).But of course it wasn't always like this.I remember feeling guilty during the children's story section,before the preacher shares.We were often told Jesus was a respectful child and as I looked at my life,I really lacked in this area.And this was the only solution that improved our relationship:

"—The cause of division and discord in families and in the church is separation from Christ. To come near to Christ is to come near to one another. The secret of true unity in the church and in the family is not diplomacy, not management, not a superhuman effort to overcome difficulties—though there will be much of this to do—but union with Christ."-Adventist Home,page 179

Now that I'm older,I realise we can never be true Christians until we become true Christians in the home FIRST.Christianity starts at home.Looking at Jesus,our example,we learn that he respected his parents and was helpful as a child and even in adulthood.Christ first ministered in the home before he went on to minister outside.Thus.the home is where we grow as Christians as we spend more time with these individuals and they often test our patience-atleast that's how I felt about my brother.But amid that,I still need to love him.

And I believe for ladies who aspire to be good wives one day-if God wills,we have to start in the home,serving our brothers and our fathers.But of course we are called to submit to male authority irregardless of whether we're married or not/we want to or don't. I still need to improve in this area but it's coming and God is teaching me.And I realise the more we serve each other in the home,the more we become closer to each other.I've seen it in my relationship with my twin brother.And I've often wondered:how will a woman submit to her future husband if she disregards her father and brother?

The home is where heavenly characters are developed.If we would like to bear the fruit of the spirit:kindness,patience,love etc,we should pray for them and develop them in the home.If we want to speak words full of grace we can't start when we are outside but we must first begin with those we love and through these being practised in the home,it will be easier for us to practise them outside.

And may we all sing this song as we look at our lives:

"He's changing me,my precious Jesus
I'm not the same person that I used to be
It's been a slow going,but there's a knowing
That Jesus is changing me"

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