Monday 8 June 2015

Godly Relationships :)

God calls each Christian to godly relationships,even when it comes to dating/courtship,so that we can do all to His glory :)!

I've come to realise that if we make God everything and we seek counsel when it comes to how we run our relationships it becomes joyful,I can testify.In the past,I was always worrying about what if something goes wrong or this or that BUT I'm learning that we do not only need God in our spiritual lives but every facet-including our courtship relations.And it is only when we make God the centre that we are able to have fulfilling relations that brings us joy and help us to grow spiritually.

Ways to pursue a godly relationship:

1.Allow God to lead you and always seek counsel from Him FIRST
2.Refrain from watching sensual movies or whatever as these contradict with what you're trying to pursue.For example,we are called to refrain from fornication,so if you watch things that encourage this,then you're likely to want to experiment and be a stumbling block to the other person.
3.Read God's word and learn together-for example,there was an instance when I struggled a bit with the concept of the Godhead and through God's providences,my dear friend came and we did a study and it's been clear ever since.
4.Pray for and with each other:for strength to go on,to overcome certain challenges and so that the devil cannot break the bond.
5.Don't compare your relationship to other people's - allow God to manifest Himself in yours
6.Seek counsel from godly individuals-whether from your parents,people from church etc.
7.Communicate-so that you're on the same page-shared vision and goal.To resolve conflict and not end up being angry with each other over minor things that could've been resolved.
8.Seek the other person's happiness above yours
9..Forgive-it helps to realise that you're in a relationship with another sinner
10.Pursue God individually-that way you grow and eliminate dishonouring God.This helps you to be pure in thoughts before you can be pure in deeds.
11.To the sisters-allow Him to lead,it encourages him to seek God more as He doesn't want to mislead you.
12.To males-do lead :).I once had a conversation with the sisters I live with and one expressed how she wanted the guy to lead,as she felt he was too soft etc.It's God's calling to men.
13.Give everything to God-trust him even with your relationship.He'll teach you how to serve,how to submit and it becomes easier when he is carrying the load.
14.Reflect-take time to reflect and see how you're doing-whether you're growing and what issues still need to be dealt with-e.g we had problems with late chatting-so we really had to discipline ourselves and pray.

And lastly,don't be absorbed with each other!As your relationship grows,your relationship with others is supposed to grow.Let brotherly love continue :-).

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