Tuesday 9 June 2015

Unequall Yoked:Part 1

God is not only concerned with our spiritual lives,well-being,our needs and struggles but He wants to be part of every area in our lives,including our relationships.He is the author of love and relationships-ultimate being marriage and he has a say about who we court/get into a relationship with.

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?-2 Corinthians 6:

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?-Amos 3:3

From the above Scriptures God makes it clear that we should NOT be in relationships with unbelievers.By unbeliever this doesn't  only mean someone who doesn't believe in God but someone who does not share the same beliefs as you and is not in the same church as you.

I've been unequally yoked...in the sense that I attended church and I knew what is right and wrong.I decided to be unequally yoked because I justified myself that I wasn't fornicating and I knew at the end of the day that I wasn't going to marry these individuals-selfish approach now that I think about it.But I later on realised God was RIGHT and I was wrong.

At first I convinced myself that I wasn't going to compromise any principles and I had even convinced myself I could even lead these individuals to Christ but sadly it didn't not happen.Instead,I soon began to compromise.The Holy Spirit kept convicting me but I justified myself that I wasn't fornicating,but I realised kissing and hugging wasn't making me any holier and my relationship with God and my mom went downhill.

Prayer became difficult because I knew there was a sin I was committing and I wasn't free.I knew there was something I was doing wrong-and you know what?Until we let go of a particular sin,we can never be where God wants us to be.Our sins seperate us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2).I then started lying to my mom,since at times I'll come home around 6 p.m and my mom will be home already.So,I'll say I was with a friend when I knew I was lying.One sin leads to another.So not only was I displeasing  God but I was also lying to my mom.

It felt good to be "loved" but God spoke clearly that He was not pleased and until I let go of this relationship,I could never have a relationship with him.I also felt guilty because I knew the truth and every time I met with my then bf my soul wasn't at rest.I asked for strength and finally I broke off things and it took a while for me to have a solid relationship with God.

I started praying hard and replacing watching romantic movies with reading the Bible and SOP books and I kept busy-prayer groups,Bible studies-back then we had cell groups at SDASM so I used those areas to keep busy.And I prayed,asking God to help me never to be unequally yoked and I asked a sister to pray with me concerning this. I started praying for a husband,since I had purposed in my heart to never date an unbeliever and never to date/court without a purpose.

When I look back,I'm glad God intervened or I'd probably pregnant by now or who knows.My relationship with God has really improved because I'm now focused on pleasing him and I have joy-joy that surpasses understanding.Not only that,but I'm now honest with my mom and she now knows what is happening in my life.

See,it's not that God doesn't want us to be happy-but he wants us to be have joy.Happiness is temporal,but joy lasts even in difficult times.When you're in a relationship with an unbeliever you don't grow spiritually.You can't pray together or study together and you don't have a foundation.If God doesn't build the house,the labourers build in vain(Psalm 127),meaning it's all in vain.The Bible call those who live according to God's word blessed and like a house that cannot be moved,even when storms come-what will you stand on,if God's word is not the ultimate rule?When things go wrong you have no one to turn to. Also,you compromise-you now have to choose between God and him,thus making him a god.And you don't grow in other areas as well-because you don't really learn much about yourself-you might be selfish but because in the relationship you use your own standards rather than God's,you can't describe areas that the Lord doesn't approve of.

Looking at how Israelites apostasised,it was through  intermarriage between them and those who worshipped gods and in the end the Israelites were won and they became idolaters.So,in the end,they lost out to eternal life.

God wants us to have holy,pure relationships where we will not be scarred and broken.Rather,he wants us to be in relationships where He will lead and His will  be a priority for our own good.He wants to bless us with relationships where we'd see what true love is and where he can mold us to His likeness.He also want us to be in relationships so that the plan of salvation is understood and our relationships serve for not only our own good but for the salvation of mankind.He wants us to be in relationships where we'd grow spiritually and grow closer to each other.

Let us trust God even with our relationships,so that we may honour Him.

If you're single:pray and ask God to mold you for His will,surrender your love life and ask him to lead you in this area.Pray for one you'll marry and leave it in his hands.When he sees you're ready,he will direct the one to your direction.


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