Friday 19 June 2015

Lies that are common in this day and age:

Some time during the week I listened to a sermon by Nancy DeMoss and it was on point-Biblically.It got me thinking about lies told in this day and age.The things about these lies is:they are subliminal,we don't really give them thought,but we somehow believe them.

These are some of them:

"Education is everything"-Not really,domestic training is...Plus some have education,but they aren't employed
"Males and Females are the same"-We aren't,we are 2 different individuals,created to fulfill distinct roles
"I was born this way,can't change who I am"-Partially true,only God can change us as we co-operate with Him.You can change,even your temper,mood swings can!
"Men are all the same"-False!There are good,God-fearing men out there.
"Your worth is found in what you have/physical attributes"-Only found in Jesus,who died for us.
"He/she Completes me"-How can another broken individual complete you?Only the Maker an complete each one of us.
"If it feels good,it must be right"-Feelings can never determine what is right/wrong,God's word does
"It's my life"-It's imparted from God,so it's borrowed from Him.

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