Thursday 25 June 2015

Home Religion

"The work of sanctification begins in the home. Those who are Christians in the home will be Christians in the church and in the world. There are many who do not grow in grace because they fail of cultivating home religion."7The Signs of the Times, February 17, 1904./Child Guidance,page481

For so long I struggled with this concept.I thought home religion begin at church.I became a total different person in church-sweeter,respectful and not moody.And sadly this is the state of the church.The mothers and fathers,children and even leaders  play Christians at church,while at home they are monsters or inflict harm.Isn't it interesting that God created the family first and there he communed with Adam and Eve and they were learning about God?Jesus also served in the home before serving outside the home.We are told that he served his parents before serving outsideThe home is a missionary field on its own. 

The family is the core of the church.We first have to live out Christianity in the home.The home is where we learn to be Christians/we're supposed to learn to be Christians.It is in the home that we learn of the spirit of Christ-serving,it is in the home that we learn to be kind,loving,patient and to speak softly.It is God's plan that even in this sin-filled world,the home should be the representative of the heavenly home and as each family gathers we will join together in the love of Christ and be a blessing to each other.The state of the church is the representation of our homes.

I'm learning that repentance starts at home and it is only when we practise Christianity in the home that we are true to God.Isn't it interesting that God commanded the Israelites to communicate the commands in the home-when they woke up,lied down,set on the table etc?This shows us that God was and is it to be in the minds of the family members daily and momentarily;and God's commands shouldn't be revisited only in family worship.

And  this is the problem in most homes.God's commands are not the government of the household nor are his principles.He's not really part o the home,he's a visitor.But this is not how it should be-the principles of God are to be th e governing factor of every activity taking place-whether it be raising the kids,entertainment,finance management,food eaten etc.And by doing this,we'll have a taste of heaven on earth and our families will draw others to Christ.

That which will make the character lovely in the home is that which will make it lovely in the heavenly mansions. The measure of your Christianity is gauged by the character of your home life. The grace of Christ enables its possessors to make the home a happy place, full of peace and rest. Unless you have the Spirit of Christ, you are none of His and will never see the redeemed saints in His kingdom, who are to be one with Him in the heaven of bliss. God desires you to consecrate yourself wholly to Him and represent His character in the home circle.6The Signs of the Times, November 14, 1892./Child Guidance,p481

The daily acts of life tell the measure and mold of our disposition and character. Where there is a lack of home religion, a profession of faith is valueless. Then let no unkind words fall from the lips of those who compose the home circle. Make the atmosphere fragrant with tender thoughtfulness of others. Only those will enter heaven who in probationary time have formed a character that breathes a heavenly influence. The saint in heaven must first be a saint upon earth.5The Signs of the Times, November 14, 1892./CG,p481

Every family in the home life should be a church, a beautiful symbol of the church of God in heaven. If parents realized their responsibilities to their children, they would not under any circumstances scold and fret at them. This is not the kind of education any child should have. Many, many children have learned to be faultfinding, fretful, scolding, passionate children, because they were allowed to be passionate at home. Parents are to consider that they are in the place of God to their children, to encourage every right principle and repress every wrong thought.1Letter 104, 1897./CG,


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